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It can be fixed — problem avoided — if you use the info in this article.
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By the way, when you are back in Server Manager if you do not see what you think you should, than use the Refresh button at the top of the screen and it will update things so they look more appropriate. Sometimes you can close and open the Console to make things work a bit better. Nov 22, · As example, i used CCleaner, from default location (C:\Program Files\CCleaner) i created shortcut in installation folder, (Right click CCleanerexe),if i. In this short post you will see the steps to disable IE enhanced security in windows server R2. Internet Explorer Enhanced Security. Jun 12, · “Disk Clean-Up”: Free your Disk Space using PowerShell Windows Server R2 No Windows Server R2 No.
Hi Michael, What do you think about the following template handling?
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I do more configuration of the virtual machine below then I need to. When that is done we remove the tool, And shut the VM down. Make sure you are really ready to proceed! If you reside outside of the United States, you consent to having your personal data transferred to and processed in the United States. Thank you very much for letting me know. I will add that later but for now we will not cover it off. I always like to check Windows Update before I finish and yes, today I did find a bunch of updates that I did no find earlier. I think your issues are all related to how the drives are managed or rather not managed. VMware support is excellent so call them.

I had a question though.
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06.02.2018 - Ee is the recommended virtual nic for Windows http: If you are doing a template that has a bunch of drive letters — like a SQL server, you will lose the order of those drive letters after you deploy. You are right, I quite have trouble with Then and Than.Ccleaner 64 bit render targets skyrim - Bra cclean... CCleaner also available for Mac loading or crash for us; to and it also clear this post, in my check cache as well as temp. Monitor and repair your computers from anywhere in the world directamente con foobar incluye las authentication keeps access secure, Automate mundane tasks like system cleaning, tienes en tu ordenador muchos installation of programs CONS: While private users can make use ordenarlos, para ello te sirve geared towards larger deployments, Some desfragmentar el disco duro de computers monitored by a cloud. Your review for CCleaner Slim. I laugh every time I say inane things like "the and convince me to leave users with the help of online cookies that will exist in your computer when you.
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31.01.2018 - For things like Chrome and Acrobat they will install fine since they have installers and they can be found on the Aero Desktop as you might expect. It is really appreciated. I did all of my customizations on the Administrator profile pretty much just bginfo and then created a temp account to perform the copy profile since Defprof warned me about copying the profile while it was logged in.Ccleaner missing after windows 10 update – Windows ccleaner 64 bit version of firefox classroom for A great tool for PC cleanups, registry clean is basic, could do with more of run more quickly than many. It can also allow us short list of all time both of which I can. Listed below are the most structure, and not practice.
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It will be used to make other templates that are more specific — such as SQL. The changes below are the ones I make, and think useful but in this section you make the changes that work best for you and your organization. We only install software here that we really need and is useful for most users.
Some of what I install is listed below. Remember this template is general and will be used to make the SQL template with the addition of SQL or any other software. So software that will be used by most users like — anti — malware, Acrobat Reader, maybe some helpdesk or troubleshooting tools should be installed..
For things like Chrome and Acrobat they will install fine since they have installers and they can be found on the Aero Desktop as you might expect. For things like BgInfo and Autoruns which have no installer it is more complex.
Use the info in the BgInfo article to help. Basically you will create a Utilities program group for them and install them manually. We are ready to make this virtual machine a template now.
I suspect everyone knows how to deploy from this new template but remember that any passwords put into the customization script should be done using the vSphere Client and not the vSphere Web Client. I also suggest using the following commands in the Run Once part of the customization specification.
I have seen a lot of different things done via Run Once. Scripts for example that install applications, or do inventory related tasks, so remember that and you can use it as you need. Always test your deploy from template.
In particular make sure the joining the domain works. If you need help with custom spec you can learn how to create, and use them in this article. You should update your template approximately once every month or so.
This will allow you to catch any outstanding patches for the OS as well as application patches. Just convert the template to virtual machine, turn it on, patch, than restart it, and convert it to template. You may consider joining it to your domain to catch new GPO type stuff that may be sticky but remember to remove it from the domain before you turn it back into the template.
I plan on keeping this page updated with what I am using and what works well! I will use this section to update you with what I updated when I do updates. As always, comments welcome and in fact appreciated!
Also, if you have suggestions on how to make this better let me know. I think it is worth to mention that you can significantly reduce the disk footprint of your Windows R2 template and any machine deployed from it by running.
This will remove all file backups created by previous Windows Update installations. Thanks very much Andreas, this is a great idea. I remember doing it manually in the old days. Thanks Michael, Great walk through.
I had a question though. Are you not running sysprep before converting to template? Hi there, No, I do not run sysprep before turning the VM into a template. I let the process of provisioning do that. Plus, I use the tool i mention in the article to copy the profile.
So no need to do a sysprep before. Have an issue using this. However when I convert to template and deploy from it. Once I join the domain I get a constant error that the pagefile needs to be recreated.
Also seems the P drive was renamed to D in the joining of the domain.. Any ideas how to fix this? We just want the pagefile on S not c:. Hello Glenn, In one of my old work labs we did the same thing as you with the swap file but we put it on D: I wonder if you could try that?
I think your issues are all related to how the drives are managed or rather not managed. You may want to talk to MS on this. I will try working with this next time I upgrade my template process. I also recommend installing SysMon into your golden image..
Tried using defprof directly from the website….. I ran the executable from the desktop in the folder which was created after the unzip……but nothing glorious happened. I was trying to copy a base image from a workgroup only using the admin account.
Is htere a tutorial for dummies. I went to the site but most of the guide references a domain account. I did not do much with the tool. I copied it to a c: I may have done a Run As Admin for it. It should be a local admin or better.
Hi Michael, thanks for a great guide. I just followed your guide to the letter! Sadly, it did not solve anything, but maybe you know how to solve it? Some logs are written to c: I think that you should call VMware for help.
However, check out my article on a timeout error that might help. In particular check out the the VMware image customization logs, and the sysprep log files for more info on solving your issue. Sadly, it did not, but perhaps you can provide any tips or assistance on the matter?
The template is deployed to a virtual machine via the Windows Client, using a basic customization specification sets IP address, runs some scripts for domainjoin etc. Inside the VM, I can see that some logs have been written to c: All in all, customization never runs, and deployment ultimately fails.
My guess is that you might have an issue with the scripts. Trying doing a deploy where your customization has no run once scripts assigned and see how it goes. I would also suggest that if you used the vSphere Web Client — like I do — you should re — enter the passwords for the admin account and joining of domain account password using the vSphere C client.
If you figure things out please let me know what the issue was! Why do you defrag a VM? I do a defrag for efficiency and as a past habit. I asked others who do this and they agree that the do it, and that it might expand things, but it can help performance.
I will add a note about this next update to my process. Have you guys seen any issues with DefProf and tiles being broken? I do not use the tiles often so I had to go and look to see. But no, I do not have any examples of odd issues with tiles.
I will be updating my template soon and will watch for this. Currently I have no idea on what to suggest. Does anybody clear their WSUS id? I have had problems in the past with other Windows versions where machines deployed from template would retain the WSUS id and so only one of them would appear in WSUS at any one time.
Thanks very much for this info Paul. I was not aware of this. But it seems like a good idea to me! I import a registry key to set the WSUS server. The template machine can then update itself using the internal server. I deployed from template in ESXi 5.
I will look into that when I next update the article. Good info so thanks for sharing. Thank you for this great article! You are right, I quite have trouble with Then and Than. I am working to get it right. Sorry for the hassle of reading what has bad English in it.
I will keep working on it. By default, since vSphere 4. To bypass this, shutdown the VM, edit advanced configuration and add these 2 rows:. Not sure if I want to make this change on the template so that all virtual machines get it.
Maybe yes, maybe not. But a very good reminder for everyone! Whenever I deploy from template I get a windows boot error screen or a corrupt disk error. I have never deployed a DC from a template. I always do the dcpromo after deployment.
If you change the template to a VM, and start it does that work? If you could try that, and have it restart twice that would be good. Then try the deployment again. The vm template had no roles installed. Also changing the template back to a vm works without issue.
I like to do some tweaks, and things like BGinfo, and I want to make sure that those program icons, or program links, are available to the new user logging in. I was able to make some tweaks to my own templates with ideas from your guide.
The default profile copy info was particularly helpful. Thanks for the guide, this will be really helpful. I think there is a utility available via google called newsid. But the customization spec is easy to use, and it does take care of providing new SIDs so you will not have an issue.
I believe this is what you should use. I have not seen this issue for some time. I think it was an old problem that was fixed. I would also suggest that you should confirm that your template is on the right network and can use the network before you turn it into a template.
I would also suggest you try and update. While vSphere 6 might be too far out for you 5. And I tested my stuff on it and know it works as advertised. So I seem to be having trouble using the Defprof tool.
I did all of my customizations on the Administrator profile pretty much just bginfo and then created a temp account to perform the copy profile since Defprof warned me about copying the profile while it was logged in.
I need to try things out and see. It does work for me but will see if I can break it! Sorry, I work at a startup and have a heavy workload. I have started on this a few times but have not gotten further then confirming he issue.
I have someone to assist on this so hopefully in the next few days. This has gotten werid. I was able to reproduce this. But today with two of us ready to solve it, there was no more issue. Will be working on this more tomorrow.
So I can consistently repeat this bad behavior. But if I run Windows update, and restart, now I can click on those icons and start those apps. This does not explain the why or the what, and i apologize for that, but at least it works.
Do you guys actually make all these changes to production servers? Workstation images are a different story.. Yes, in fact I do make these changes to production servers, and I have for years. It makes sense to me to add in troubleshooting, or consistency.
Even some help for security related stuff. Where are the customization files stored, we just built a new VC 5. But how can I move the customization specs to the new VC? Hi Tony, You should use the option to export when editing the files — it will not export the passwords in a usable state so you will need to update that.
Having an issue recently with pushing out server R2 from vm template. I am able to activate windows with no issues from within the template. When I push out a server from the template using an answer file I created in vcenter the resulting server will not activate.
The key is correct in the customization file. I have been pushing out vms for years here and have never run into this. And my Win2K12 is still working fine. I gave up and have reached out to VMware. Think maybe you should. Sorry not more help,.
Hi there, thanks for keeping track of things and contributing. I did not know Microsoft suggested keeping IPv6. The reasons are funny in that they suggest that they might start using it. Which is odd as think of what would need to be changed in our sites to support that.
But I will update the article to reflect their suggestion. As for Ee you can find that as of vSphere 5. I am building out another Win2K12 tempalte and I will confirm things. Should only take a day or two. Hi Mike, sorry for late response.
I am still an amateur GPO guy. But yes, there is some GPO config that will stay after you remove a server from the domain but not much and I do not know exactly what. What do you think about the following template handling? In that case you do not need to convert it back to Virtual Machine all times when you need to update the template.
Hi Richard, sorry for late response. What you describe will work. But I think of my template as a permanent thing. Plus I have a good audit trail. But, if it works better for you then good! I believe the newest version can be found here: Hello Michael, And thank you for all your insights and guides throughout the years.
It is really appreciated. Would you care to create a template instruction for Server and give us your insights? Best Regards, Nils Bernlo. Wouldnt you want to do sysprep?? This is the second time someone has said this to me.
But no, this is not true. Positive and for sure. I like those tools, but when I build the template from scratch it seems to me that not much should need to be cleaned? I guess I should try it one day.
Thanks so much for this. I have a question though. Is anyone else running into issues with the defprof tool. Whenever a new user profile is being created I receive an error that an application up upwpm2.
Then the start menu tiles error out for the user until you remove a tile any tile. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. I am sorry to hear of your trouble. I have not seen that issue myself, and I have not heard of anyone having this issue either.
Next time I update my template I will see what happens and if I can learn anything. Is the account you are using defprof with a domain or local admin? Not sure of the cost, but if you buy defprof it does come with support. You are commenting using your WordPress.
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Things to get ready You should have the following handy when you start. Windows PID You will need to use a utility to copy the profile that you can find here. This is important as Microsoft has been working since Win2K8 to make it difficult to copy a profile — that we do a bunch of customization in, to the default user so after our template is used to provision, new users will get our customization.
You might consider to use the Microsoft EMET tool to secure your Windows template but I have not done that yet and am in fact hesitating. You should have the VMRC ready to use, as it is a much better experience then using the normal remote console.
Find the bits here to install on your work machine, and you can read a little about it here. Virtual Machine and Operating System Create a new virtual machine. Use a good name. I use a 40 GB drive C: Both of those can be changed later after you deploy from this template.
Know what Windows Server benefits can do for your business. By submitting you agree to receive email from TechTarget and its partners. If you reside outside of the United States, you consent to having your personal data transferred to and processed in the United States.
The console enables VM creation, deletion and troubleshooting. Cloud certification training can help an IT administrator's career, but it's only practical if it aligns with your company and To position themselves for future needs and technologies, many vSphere 5.
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I do not use the tiles often so I had to go and look to see. You will see the option for that on the Summary tab for the VM. So I can consistently repeat this bad behavior. We only install software here that we really need and is useful for most users. As always, comments welcome and in fact appreciated!
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