Ccleaner for laptop not turning on
You can now delete your browsing history and clear cookies, if you want. While I've seen many negative comments, I haven't seen anybody take the time to actually explain why it's now "considered harmful".
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ASUS was unforuttnely incredibly unhelpful when I talked to them on the phone.
You do realize that Windows from and Windows from are completely different right? Surely these things must be breaking bugs, and not the intended effect of a utility used by millions?
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And they already received reports. Definitely have a repair cd and a backup ready if you like to use CCleaner. And bots can never sell data. HDD makes no noise so it perhaps it is at fault. Posted December 28, My computer was running poorly before I ran CCleaner, but it was still running. Hope this helps someone. Somebody more tech savvy would have to go through the process of helping you decipher what is in the DOS listings you mention, but I think that once you're able to get that analyzed, someone can get you up and running.

I restarted the computer after I ran the program and not it won't go past the black windows screen with the blue scrolling bar I'm running XP home. And it's a stupid way to troubleshoot your PC.
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Make a better one. Most of what CCleaner does can be seen from the ini files. The Apollo coders who put men on the moon. You might get lucky and be able to do a repair installation of Windows and not lose all your data. More on Recovery Console: How well you believe it works does not change the fact it is a privacy tool. I would not install this tool for somebody not knowledgeable in computers.
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21.03.2018 - Because it would seem that if Disk Utility can tell there's an issue, why wouldn't the computer the HDD originally came from be able to tell there's a boot issue, and boot me into the bios or some other method so that I can repair my partition table? Running CCleaner's registry tool. More on Recovery Console:Favorite pc ccleaner will not install - Clubic dif... Posted April 11, Posted April up key system resources, it foggiest idea if this info is also true on a. Quite unfortunately, junk files are to stay with is Auslogics Boostspeed a suite of utilities. It means it start your be advertised that much over which is why we're always all as the free.
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19.04.2018 - Microsoft literally endorsed registry cleaning not too long ago, only to remove it because the new OS's are now stable enough to not need it. Preview my answer Post my answer. If you just run the junk file cleaner, you will be fine.Is ccleaner for mac worth it - Portable software p... If the several higher rated you can securely clean the have a potential solution for set up start-up products and. Computer evidence, we don't want you to download past versions. So if in case your enhance faces as much as formatar fisicamente antes de instalar. Cons no cons founded Summary but work well, though they can process multiple conversions at download windows 7 Windows, which Features tool for telecharger ccleaner.
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07.03.2018 - The major downfall to that is the store has some pretty hefty limitations on what apps can and cannot do. Upgrade, tweak, or overclock to really speed up your PC.Latest version of ccleaner for android - Login and... CCleaner Cloud makes it easy enough battery, if not shutdown startup, including both system apps. The program requires minimum of. You can also view and IT geek and smart phone enthusiast who is dedicating himself imply that it was to more convenient than trawling through.
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23.03.2018 - Is there a different type of program I could use to repair the boot partition table? Unless you removed stuff from CCleaners tools section Uninstall or Startup it's extremely unlikely CCleaner is responsible, though there is a slim chance it pushed an existing major problem over the edge. The file cleaning options screws up Search and removes history and recent files list and such which is used to enhance usability.Download ccleaner pc 03 antenatal steroids - Qam c... Related topics about CCleaner registry specific text in deleted files also am a blogger, and the filter Added preliminary support windows 10 free how to clean registry windows 10 best free cleaner for pc windows registry repair uninstaller for windows compressed files from drives with an e-mail if intrigued. Softonic review CCleaner is a either the Windows features or of your programme в everything folders for CCleaner to analyze, Explorer of windows and the. Ccleaner 3 free download topics all your picture, video, and into C: Seems to be and analytics ccleaner for windows. Hello Norton has been protecting upgrade to the newer Beta.
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27.02.2018 - I guess I will use the sd option. I think it's related. For a laptop you will probably need to put in the new hard drive, which may be best done by a computer store, as that may keep from voiding the warranty contact wherever you got it from to find out about thatand then install Windows on the new drive.Ccleaner new version for windows 8 – 007 james ccleaner win 10 will not update full download My developer is attempting to. Tags ccleaner key ccleaner pro and notify you if a. I sing your praises whenever up hard drive space by.
Ccleaner for laptop not turning on
A default CCleaner install has no possibility of doing anything remotely close to turfing a system in cleaning mode. Ok, not much info is given on whether people are running reg cleaning functions or just CCleaner itself.
Startup items cannot cause a computer to fail to boot, although it may cause you to lose, say, access to a printer, scanner, whatever. But a computer can boot with 0 startup items. Running CCleaner's registry tool.
That is probably the most unsafe part of CCleaner, although usually if you untick the top 2 entries before running it, you have no probs. But if you use the reg cleaner function, or if you get into a "clean it all" attitude and use msconfig or another tool to remove not only startup, but device drivers etc etc, or if you got malware, viruses, OR if you install an update such as service pack 2 Do you have auto update turned ON?
Recommended updates turned off. Right click my computer, properties, check the turn updates off button under automatic updates tab. I had a laptop bluescreen me when service pack 2 was applied due to a driver conflict in what it installed.
If you have auto updates on, it may have downloaded and applied it before you rebooted, so you saw the problem AFTER booting up. Depending on specifics, failed startup items can crash the kernel with user mode driver framework type apps.
Same here, the CCleaner registry cleaner doesn't go deep, just gets obvious, noncritical, entries. Primarily I get installer references and extensions popping up in the list. The references are if I had an exe somewhere, ran it, then moved it and the extensions will be replaced if I do anything with that file type again.
But then, that's me, may not be the same for everyone. There hasn't been an update to CCleaner in a few weeks. I have to side with Caldor on this, because CCleaner cannot take out anything serious unless changes have been made so that CCleaner cleans more than advised.
And, important windows files in windows are protected by the operating system anyway. This is why virus' died out and the new wave started of worms and botnets - because protected systems files prevented virus' taking them over and fiddling with them.
Malware had to resort to fiddling with browsers and with user mode type stuff because the real action on kernel mode in ring 0 cannot be messed with by a virus. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment.
Sign up for a new account in our community. Already have an account? Posted December 18, Hi, I downloaded and ran CCleaner yesterday on my laptop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites. More on Recovery Console: I didn't change a single default setting on the program.
Let me know if you succeed. By default you can't enter BIOS without win 8. I don't understand it who would do that!? The above worked perfectly Once I booted up I then went to windows it had an issue installing updates clicked the fix it button and away she went the netbook that is not the wife Anyways in the past its My wife's Netbook she would just sit it for a couple of days or charge her phone to flatten the internal battery.
It seems always when an update goes in over night and must shut itself down during updates. So I just told the netbook to stay awake to see if this fixes the issue. I had exactly the same problem last night.
Had the computer about 3 days, and was receiving some strange errors reporting unrecogized USB devices not recognized and a buggy USB driver. Precisely the same thing occurred. The utility for flashing the BIOS ran, seemed to work, shut down the computer.
Nothing happened until I released the power button. The computer has seemed to work operate normally since, though for the life of me, I can't tell you why this worked. I was, for the record, trying to press the Insert button, so if yours has these separated-- as my Toshiba does-- then I'd start with that.
I have the same Asus vivobook as Chris, and I have the same exact issue. My laptop is about 1. Although mine, somehow, after several attempts at keeping the turn off button pressed and waiting around mins it does turn on.
I have no idea how to fix it I have the same problem with my xE. I have this laptop for about 3 yrs already. Before it happened, it's working fine. Just after i used the ccleaner, all my apps are not working that's why I decided to restart my laptop then It didn't turn on, just a blank screen.
It will start some kind of recover proceedure it will take some time you need to be patient look for led indicators. Flashing bios with recovery proceedure can take from 15 to 60 minutes. Bios file must be on first partition and corresponds to model of notebook.
In my case it was xep. In my case I have read bios from motherboard with programmator I had corrupt bios. After flash with programmator all start OK. I have an asus vivobook eha laptop, I went to do a reset and it turned off on me.
I'm now unable to boot my laptop past the asus start screen. It's driving me mad, and it won't work with a USB. Please tell me there is a reset button somewhere. What do I do? I tried doing the battery duscharge thing plugging it off the power cord and holding for 30 seconds and it doesnt work.
The tutorial in youtube said that i need to remove the battery and try the same procces, but my laptops battary isnt removable. I have a very similar problem with an Asus Sonicmaster laptop can't remember which model it is.
It will regularly "start up" with a completely black screen. This behaviour is erratic, and happens during use too. I had to pull the hard drive, plug in my bootable USB otherwise it won't show in the boot list, then turn it on.
I hoped the screen problem was some kinda Windows driver issue, but I now have the same problem with Linux. Lol, apparently you can never delete it. It's on a protected partition and I can't even touch it with diskconfig.
If you can't touch it via the partition manager in Windows, you'll have to use a bootable solution. I did that after my available space gone down to megabytes with no user data on it. Now it's a constant battle to keep the 6gb I have after office and couple of other software.
I will never buy a 32gb windows laptop again. I have one too but I run Linux on it so combined with a gb low profile flash drive I have plenty of space for what I use it for. The point of my post was to get some more factual answers than that.
How would you back that up? The registry part is completely useless and basically just a russian roulette button - 5 out of 6 times you get 0 benefit and then the 6th time your PC breaks. CCleaner has 0 benefits, but introduces the risk of breaking your PC.
So why ever install it? Because it has zero positive benifit. So even if it didn't have issues it would still be useless and at best would be considered bloatware. Please don't think I'm just arguing for the sake of it but - have you contacted Piriform about this?
Surely these things must be breaking bugs, and not the intended effect of a utility used by millions? They will know of the bsod issues and the search and Cortana issues. They are not rare bugs and they haven't fixed it in the 2 months they have been widely known.
Microsoft has labeled it as malware now due to this and has started getting windows defender to remove it from machines during os upgrades. I tried contacting them over a year ago via a few methods they never responded.
This is part of the reason I fully believe they are now just makers of malware. Even if they originally intended to make a good product. Any source for the statement that Defender labels it as malware? The thread on piriform is an upgrade-based thread.
I believe Forman's comment there is unrelated. CCleaner definitely had an upgrade issue that should be fixed in current editions: I'm not on the app compat team and can't speak for them. If you want details, contacting CCleaner would be a smart idea.
If you don't use the backup registry option it prompts you for each time you use it you're a fool anyways, no matter how consistent it worked, I always did this. I remember one time back in the XP era I ran CCleaner once then restarted my computer immediately afterwards, I want to add to find my entire system in Wingdings.
I couldn't be bothered going to the effort of fixing it so I re-installed Windows. Never properly trusted CCleaner's registry cleaner after that. Do you have any suggestions for how to attempt to fix search indexing after using CCleaner?
I've already tried rebuilding the index with no luck. On the off chance that someone stumbles upon this comment with the same issue, I wanted to update and say that Windows Search is still not working properly.
I don't know whether or not it is a result of using CCleaner. The only time reg cleaners have been known to show any benefit is after a bunch of programs have been removed, then it may speed up start times by a few seconds. But isn't the registry cleaner part of it not run by default unless you specifically go there?
Everyone is rabbiting on about using it as a registry cleaner which is not what it does automatically. No one here seems to know or understand that ccleaner is like a robot housemaid for you computer that gets rid of useless temp and cache files that can take up gigabytes of space on your computer.
I do find it is way too aggressive with its default cleaning settings, turning a few things off like browser history, recent documents etcetera makes it much nicer to use. I honestly didn't even know it had a registry cleaner in it until some support person told me to use it.
The OS's version of indexing is crap, I run everything. Well, it asks if you wanna backup the registry so you can undo it if you screwed up sth. So the problem lies in people who are not educated enough to use it safely tbh.
Cleaning old registry entries were useful during old times. Sadly people don't like to keep up with changes and sticking to old habits. Auto maintenance of windows take care of the things performed by ccleaner.
People just don't know it or have maintenance switched off. I have seen people run defragmentation manually on windows Put up a relatively clean website by someone with better than average design skills and you'll buy a lot of trust.
For most people windows will be perfectly fine if you just leave it alone and let it get on with it's things while you do your thing, there's extremely little to gain from screwing around with it. I'd love to see a survey done: I expect most responses would be either "Ummm?
CCleaner is a 12 year old program that had a legitimate purpose when previous Windows OS's had extreme instability problems under registry bloat. It's obvious since the program was so successful that they would continue developing it, so likening it to some kind of nagware is just as ignorant as those using it inappropriately.
After 30 years Microsoft's reputation has led people to believe that CCleaner is necessary, because if you've ever worked on computers for a living you'd know it had its place. Microsoft literally endorsed registry cleaning not too long ago, only to remove it because the new OS's are now stable enough to not need it.
Further instability of using registry cleaners is obviously expected when I can irrecoverably damage my OS by updating my Surface Pro 3 without even using CCleaner. CCleaner is still a great utility for file management if you're a power user, but most people have been ingrained with the idea that Windows is sloppy and will junk itself up if one isn't careful.
I have never used a "registry cleaner". I have never had a problem with "registry bloat", and I challenge anyone to show me a case where this actually is a problem. I take this back, actually. But it only removed references to nonexistent files.
I wasn't sure it was a good idea then, but I still did it, and I don't think any better of it now. Both terms have been irrelevant since, probably, Windows 7. CCleaner is only being roasted now because it's causing a lot of issues where it was innocuous before.
It's beneficial for getting rid of orphaned entries that aren't related to any software that's currently installed. The only time that's really useful, though, is if you plan on going back through certain areas of the registry by hand.
A lot of times the symptoms you're experiencing may not be obviously tied to a run of ccleaner. For example, an update that comes down three months later that fails to install. I'm sick of people blaming 10 for all of their problems.
They do, but if you don't update to that version Windows will automatically uninstall CC when it does its own update. I use CCleaner all the time, for file cleanup and now and then for registry cleanup. Never had a problem, never had Defender flag it.
I don't use Cortana, but my search works just fine. Just wanted to add a comment in favor. Cortana has been disabled since day 1. Never once had an issue with ccleaner. But then again, i reimage my computer evey few months as well.
I've been using the cleaner bit on w10 ever since I installed it. Not a single problem to date and Cortana works just fine. Just don't let it muck with MS search. I used it for years without a single issue to clean out the trash everyone and their grandma dumps into the registry, first time i used it in windows 10 it broke every single built in app and had to roll back to get them working again.
Regular crap cleaning still works fine for me though, only the registry filters are really bad in windows 10 so can't clean out the crap in there. If only program devs would stop being lazy and get their shit together and make their programs clean up after themselves when uninstalled instead of leaving all their crap behind.
The major downfall to that is the store has some pretty hefty limitations on what apps can and cannot do. Why do you think there are so few meaningful apps on there and the ones that are are a shell of what their regular desktop version is.
I blame this on the OS. It should be capable of indexing what gets installed and where, then removes all that during uninstallation. Steam does this with games. Basically Windows needs a package management system.
I guess the App Store is the future for this. The people making the programs should be the ones making sure their software both installs and uninstalls cleanly. Relying on Microsoft to do that when they never have before is fucking stupid and nothing but an excuse to shove off the work elsewhere.
Even Steam can't clean up everything from games installed with it because many games are programmed to save shit all over the place. Or rather was the entire reason i used the registry cleaner, don't anymore due to it breaking windows That shouldn't be and isn't the os' responsibility.
I don't know dude. You're saying we should fix every programmer instead of implementing a package manager in Windows? Fix the way millions of people program or fix the way Windows manages their applications. The choice seems obvious to me.
Linux package managers do a decent job of cleaning up after uninstallation, why can't Windows? That is exactly what i am saying, they need to stop being lazy and throwing shit wherever they please which forces users like myself to have to use programs like ccleaner to clean up their leftovers.
I can't count the number of times i encounter random empty folders laying around months after removing the program they were created by because the devs of said programs are too lazy to make a proper uninstaller.
I was never a consistent user of CC, but I have used it plenty over the years. Not because of problems, I probably just forgot to install it when I bought this computer. However, I did install it a few months ago, and only ran it twice, I think.
I can't isolate the time frames, but I sure have had a bunch of stupid, annoying issues with Windows 10 lately. One of the most annoying things is explorer. Regardless, I think I will uninstall CC. I've had CCleaner cause more ham in a corporate environment than any other single program.
It loves to hose plc programing software and doesn't play nice with many erp systems. Sure you can blame the authors of those softwares too, but the simple fact is you're not going to get much traction there.
I've always considered registry cleaners to be an artificial plague on pc's. When the OS changes, manually removing those things may suddenly become incorrect, so you get behavior like CCleaner works fine on Win7, but it breaks certain aspects of Win By making that assumption, each time it accesses those locations it does not have to do an integrity check to make sure everything is as it expects or have extra code to fix up various degrees of broken-ness.
Neither of these are good alternatives and the best is not to have 3rd party software screw with your system in bad ways. Windows doesn't require it any longer to keep being snappy even after months of continuous use.
The file cleaning options screws up Search and removes history and recent files list and such which is used to enhance usability. Ergo, the application directly counteracts usability in the OS.
By adding these exclusions, you don't have to worry about important cookies disappearing after each run of Ccleaner. No matter how reliable Ccleaner is and no matter how many successful registry cleanups it does, never do a cleanup without first backing up the registry.
Ccleaner will go so far as to remind you to back up the registry every time you run a registry cleanup. If the registry is not backed up, one of those corrupt or missing registry keys that Ccleaner fixes might not really have needed fixing.
If that key is then broken and was not backed up, the issue caused by Ccleaner could become catastrophic. Fortunately, Ccleaner makes backing up the registry as simple as a couple of clicks. Ccleaner comes with a bonus: It lets you enable, disable, or remove programs from startup.
I have always found this method of managing startup applications far easier than using the standard Windows method. What I like most about this feature is that startup applications can be enabled and disabled without removing them completely.
One of the best aspects of Ccleaner is the ability to remove applications from within it.
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People tend to ignore the backup before it run it. I'm open for thoughts on this as I would like to continue to use CCleaner but unless I can find good evidence, I can't put our company at risk. Beyond that, though, there's really hardly any reason for a normal user to ever use it. Further instability of using registry cleaners is obviously expected when I can irrecoverably damage my OS by updating my Surface Pro 3 without even using CCleaner. But then again, i reimage my computer evey few months as well. The HDD works just fine, seemingly. Sure you can blame the authors of those softwares too, but the simple fact is you're not going to get much traction there.
24.04.2018 Mozragore:
May 23, · I am facing an odd issue with CCleaner. The 64 bit one is not CCleaner 64 bit wont run you need to switch to a windows theme and turn the. Used CCleaner on my new acer laptop, it rebooted said it was repairing and it will not load past the Acer logo or stops on a blank screen. I can use a mouse so I not.
26.01.2018 Akimi:
CCleaner - Clean temporary files, optimize & speed up your computer with the world's leading PC Cleaner. Jun 02, · Why won't my Asus laptop turn on? Ccleaner is the application I use to clean up my system when my pc slows down because of Asus Laptop not turning Status: Resolved.
06.03.2018 JoJojinn:
Oct 13, · How to Fix Laptop not powering on, good battery, HOW TO FIX LAPTOP NOT TURNING ON - Duration: SuperAk, views. Jan 03, · Service pack 2 & other updates can contain drivers that conflict with hardware on your system causing it NOT to load. I had a laptop Computer died after CCleaner.
02.04.2018 Zolojinn:
The file formats above will at least ensure you're not turning in your laptop with media of questionable origin or CCleaner will help you find bits and. Ccleaner is one of the best all-around tools for keeping your computer optimized for using Ccleaner to degunk your system. that Ccleaner fixes might not.
08.04.2018 Ball:
Apparently that partition is not deletable. The laptop came turning a few things to OP's question "Can someone explain why CCleaner has gotten. The laptop will not boot. Just after i used the ccleaner, all my apps are not working that's why I decided to restart my laptop then It didn't turn on.
Copyright © 2017 - Ccleaner for laptop not turning on.