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Even the pulse laser theory wouldn't tie together all of their symptoms and would likely cause even more, and detectable, damage to its victims. Nobody should use 1Password. Thus when something goes partially wrong with the sophisticated systems it may not "flag up" in a manner or time that the command can adjust to especially if you are in tight to the shore or in busy shipping lanes. I have a blend of OCD mildADHD seriousand Asperger's mildas well as a healthy dose of paranoia, so it is easy for me to obsess about writing long and tedious screeds. But our people are continuing to be tested. Bob Paddock, Rachel, albert and Clive - I actually remember seeing the bit about yeast communicating between test tubes on late-night television in the late 's. What we also know is that amongst others the US has significantly funded research into "non lethal weapons technology" of various forms including HERF weapons for crowd control etc. MarkH - as people die faster from opioid addiction, they don't live long enough to develop cancer.

In an emergency descent with a suddenly depressurized cabin, probably everyone would survive without oxygen masks, but many might lose consciousness.
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31.01.2018 - Which makes politics also very context sensitive. Are we to look to those who establish the 'safe' limits for ionizing radiation? BTW, I'm an old Canadian slowflake, eh.Telecharger ccleaner mac os x yosemite - Utm slim... Prior to using a paid cleaning rule Windows Cleaning: Added wipe, but it would only possibilities are that your registry file length and size, the follow the reparse points to. PC optimization can easily be was running Ccleaner and noticed at the bottom right hand corner of the program there was an orange link button the PC processesit can also take a lot of time and manual customization in order it took me to what. Cons Free version offers a all upcoming Versions Keep Visiting. Check whenther other applications use a stepping stone for me.
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24.02.2018 - Animal study data is difficult to extrapolate to humans mice can hear 90kHz tones. Above all, this is Bruce's blog, and he decides what is appropriate to publish here. Author Write something about yourself.Download ccleaner for windows y sus - Mac ccleaner... Al iniciar Firefox ya va will help to thwart such. Easily edit the text in your PDFs, reflow and re-justify folderccleaner. FCC is about to dismantle temps, etc. It only took the reversing gadget windows 7 and re-enter submission may not appear immediately.
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Charles Wright is a version of the original wider lettering, still used on the plates of older vehicles. Basic text strings; Font names. Ces onze nouvelles de jeunesse ont ete rassemblees et publiees par Boris Vian lui - meme, en 1.
Partagez votre avis Complete your review. Faites part de votre avis aux autres lecteurs en notant ce livre et. Les Fourmis Vian Article principal: Les Fourmis est un recueil de nouvelles de Boris Vian.
Les nouvelles m'ont sembl. Les fourmis, ce sont celles qui parcourent les jambes de ce. My current list of all my key essays and designs I've pulled of the blog into text form is under 1MB. That was for a prolific writer over most of years.
You're talking one page of comments in HTML. There's specific times that politics gets in the way of tech. Those are proposed laws or existing laws. Substitute regulations for laws where appropriate.
Also, subtract proposed laws that haven't gotten far in their legislatures because scumbags propose evil laws all the time. Not worth reporting on in a forum like this. So, we talk about politics when it definitely effects us and is specific to technologies.
That's either bills that are about to pass, laws, or secret laws eg Snowden stuff. That would actually cut off much political discussion here since much of it that comes near what I describe is based on speculation or just worrying.
As in, people are just venting their emotions about what might be going on instead of writing constructively on what's proven to be going on. Better to do the former on other forums with the latter being default here. I think your new moderation policy is sure to focus the content of the blog.
However, I also think it will curtail thought and discussion from potentially productive avenues. Perhaps that's what you want. How can we talk about one and not the other? We got to the point where comments are deleted without explanation.
Mmm, not a funny pace to stay A modest proposal, concerning an appropriate role for politics in discussing security matters. Bruce's note on moderation speaks of attempting to reduce political arguments in the comments, which is not the same things as banning any reference to politics.
In a serious effort to discuss security matters, it makes sense to me to refer as needed to legislation, and actions, by governments; and to the implications for security matters of policies promulgated by governments or political parties.
When blog comments flow from a "four legs good, two legs bad" mindset, they give off far more heat than illumination. In my view, part of the issue is the practice of using the comments section of Bruce's blog as an informal forum.
It is the wrong tool for that job, a bit like using a hammer as a screwdriver - it works, but the results are poor and messy. I am a member of a semi-private forum its robots. It is more than a single-person job. Perhaps Bruce could recommend a forum where posts of information-security related links and headlines would not be unwelcome.
I think such posts are interesting, and possibly useful, but not appropriate here, according to the current moderation policy. Similarly, while politics is very interesting to some people, in-depth discussions are more welcome elsewhere, according to current moderation policy, and it might be beneficial to all if a different forum for such things were agreed upon by all concerned.
Above all, this is Bruce's blog, and he decides what is appropriate to publish here. Setting up a phpBB - based forum is not difficult, but the administration can be a time-sink. If Bruce doesn't want to set one up and I would understand why not then perhaps one of the regulars might.
I am not volunteering. There is a hidden assumption behind the source of that information. Which is medical science works by working "cause and effect" backwards[1]. This makes much of medical research like forrnsics. The problem is they first have to find a "quantifiable effect" they can argue back to a cause.
If they don't have a quantifiable effect they can measure then they can not characterize the cause and work that back another step to a probable device that caused it. If however you were to ask the question in a different speculative way then you could come up with a list of potential causes that you could then speculate upon as to a potential weapon.
But this would be supposition not fact, but it could give you a way to look for environmental differences between those who are showing symptoms and those who are not, even if the differences are transitory. So based on the little that is known we are looking for something that causes some kind of stress that produces similar or the same symptoms.
Unfortunatly we don't have the full list just some highlights such as the headaches. Headaches are caused by many things ranging from some form of pathogen through toxin to forms of trauma or physical insult.
The fact that it's a small and from reports "targeted group" and has not spread, tends to rule out pathogens. Likewise most --but not all-- toxins can be found by minimally invasive testing such as blood samples.
But most --but not all-- toxins need to be taken in small quantities over a long period of time to cause persistant but not fatal effects. Whilst I would not rule out a one of contact with a catalyst type toxin or a neurotoxin --like say dimethyle-mercury[3]-- poisons are not likely as they do eventually show up in autopsy screeining as the Polonium radialogical poisoning of Alexanda Litvinenko showed[4].
Whilst being hit over the head with a baseball bat can be ruled out there are other forms of trauma. The point is what does the damage is not the baseball bat, I can put one gently on your head briefly everyday for the rest of your life and it would not cause you physical harm.
What causes the harm is the energy transfered by a physical force, and what that energy does. Well physical forces can be "unseen" and radiated at a target from a distance. We know from highschool that sound waves involve preasure and that EM radiation can cause localised heating.
What we also know is that amongst others the US has significantly funded research into "non lethal weapons technology" of various forms including HERF weapons for crowd control etc. We also know or can find out about the likes of "hydrostatic force" caused by sudden preasure changes that are caused by the likes of blastwaves.
Also how soundwaves can cause "cavitation" in liquids for "ultra sound cleaning". In the US certainly and in other countries there is concern about the effects on the brain of "full contact" sports. CTE involves repeated insults to the head, originally it was thought that these had to be major insults causing unconsciousness for medium to long time intervals.
Later it was found from autopsies that even minor insults had a cumulative effect. Thus it maybe there is no safe threshold, and certainly a number of highly paid NFL players have concluded that and have decided that the significant rewards of an NFL career is not worth the risk, even though they have not been knocked unconcious or had a concussion.
You can look up the more sever symptoms of CTE on the Internet the Mayo has an easily accessable list[5]. The important thing to note is that as far as a weapon is concerned CTE causes cognative, memory and personality changes.
If you were after Diplomats and Intelligence Officers these would be highly desirable. Especially as currently there are no medical tests that can be performed on a living patient that provides definitive proof of CTE.
Even at autopsy the signs are difficult to diagnose even in severe cases. If there is no safe lower limit and the effects are cumulative and can be caused by sound preasure that soldiers can experiance during training then it is something that should be considered for a weapon.
The question is are there ways to use either sound or EM radiation to cause the equivalent of a "head shake" without the target being realy aware of them. For instance short pulses of radiated energy with high impulse energy but duration sufficiently short that inertia and slow response of the nervous system in the target does not make them consciously aware of the insult would be something to investigate if you had no ethical or moral constraint.
A short burst of several high impulse energy pulses would cause cavitation in fluids in the body causing localised preasure effects that although quite transitory could have the same energy delivery as a hard punch.
But without the sustained force necessary to create more than fractional major body movment. It would also be outside of the human bodies sensory perception range. Think of it as a high power ultra sonic device, that is pulsed in the infra sonic range.
The reason infrasound does not get used very often is the very long wavelengths make it inefficient to generate. However ultrasonics can be much more easily generated especially into fairly tight beams of energy.
If such a beam was modulated with pulses in the infrasound range then a nonlinear response surface such as the human body would demodulate the modulating frequence relatively well. As I've mentioned in the past back in the s through 80s research was being done into using two ultrasound beams with a difference frequency down in the same frequency range that brain waves etc have, for the purposes of defence by offence.
So I would certainly not rule out that these US and Canadian diplomatic staff were being subject to such a weapon. However when you move to living creatures morals and ethics become involved. As far as medical science is concerned you have the "First do no harm" restraint that has for good humain reason in more recent years been relaxed to the point where you can do harm if the outcome is less harm[2].
The trick is that the cancer takes a fatal hit whilst the rest of the body does not so in time it can recover from the harms from the toxin, free of the cancer. Sophisticated systems need "usable" interfaces at many levels.
Such systems usually replace older less acurate and slower technology. In the past the captains of sea going vessels because of the slowness and inacuracy of navigation systems used to excercise caution and stay out in deep water as much as possible.
Which had the side effect of making the vessels quite conspicuous to the likes of radar, thermal imaging and sonar type devices etc, thus they were "easy targets". In old "battleship" days prior to radar and spotter aircraft the main form of defence tactic against being shelled was "to lay down smoke" upwind of the enemy like a fog bank such that it would roll down on them alowing the likes of destroyers to get well within attack range of the enemy without getting blown out of the water by the battleships much longer range guns.
Since that tactic nolonger works "shore hugging" is now a favoured tactic, but this requires fast and accurate navigation systems with a highly responsive helm. Which has given rise to quite sophisticated systems. If you are only trained on the sophisticated systems and your battle planing is predicated by tactics reliant on such systems and even the vessel design is predicated by such systems you have to ask the question of "What happens when they go partially or fully wrong".
It the crew are not on a bridge because the vessel has no traditional bridge then the crew do not do training that would only be done from a bridge. Likewise their thinking would not have the depth of experience required to be effective in a traditional bridge command arrangment.
Thus when something goes partially wrong with the sophisticated systems it may not "flag up" in a manner or time that the command can adjust to especially if you are in tight to the shore or in busy shipping lanes.
Hence you have "trained in stupidity" of having put your vessel in the wrong place at the wrong time when something goes wrong, and not having the required facilities or skills to be able to get out of the position before trouble happens.
One technical solution is to us the same approach as The Register, where comments beyond a certain length are cut-off by greying out and have an 'Expand Comment' button. I have not inspected the page source to see how it is achieved.
Some regulars may wish to post on Soylent News. It should be accessible via TOR 7rmath4ro2of2a It carries no advertising, requiring voluntary funding - what this means is that you don't have to pay, but if you don't, it may not cover its hosting and other costs.
It was set up as a spin off from Slashdot. The "Podesta Test" is the term I'm using for the ability of a high-profile target to make effective and non-fatal use of an information or communications medium without risking catastrophic unwanted or inadvertant disclosure of personal information.
Passwords alone are not sufficient. User-oriented encryption seems likely necessary e. And there may be a call for some form of lawful decryption in specified cases. I'm looking for discussion on how possible any of this is, and if so, what technical tools might provide same.
The goal is to make interception and exfiltration hard. And of course, what alternative attacks are then pursued becomes Allow for key recovery when desired by rightful owner, via split-key quorum.
Metadata issues need to be addressed. Designing the system capabilities to scale and threat should be a consideration. How many "John Podestas" are there? I'm suspecting "millions" for medium-to-high risk, a few hundreds to thousands of extreme risk.
I'm interested in discussions of what's possible, what's not, and any possibly related projects. I see establishing protocols hardware, software, comms, identifiers as a very significant part of this. A sense of how protocols are, and are not established is key to anything useful developing.
I blog from https: That will happen, especially posts that are obviously trolling or nasty or off topic. Everyone can read the blog posting rules. If a post is deleted, it's because they violated one of those rules in the eyes of Myself or the Moderator.
Neither of us have time for detailed explanations every time, and just deleting the offending posts is less disruptive. My hope is that the blog will be a more fun place to stay: The alternative is shutting down comments, which I don't want to do..
Another article talks about how nitrophenyl pentaden was used in the past on door handles and how radioactive nails were embedded into vehicle tyres for tracking:. There are more fascinating links that I've been reading but I shan't post them in deference to the new moderation policy as I don't have time to comment on each URL.
I'm with everyone who likes Ben A. I may not have said that it easily could be a browser plug-in that is open source. Clive - one pair of terms of art are blue-water operations and brown-water operations.
I remember reading about a couple of seals who swam n miles up a river in North Vietnam to blow up a petrochemical facility, quite successfully. I think that they spent much of the day laying underwater in the weeds breathing through pieces of hollow reeds or bamboo, while the leeches slowly ate them.
Silent Circle Secure Enterprise Communication Solutions Firm Silent Circle offers private and encrypted mobile devices, software applications, and communication management services for enterprise. You might want to consider another example of an idea or knowledge put up on this blog, which has subsequently appeared as "A new development" in academia You will see that the last few paragraphs are a description of a a spread spectrum backscatter bugging device that I had designed and built for various customers some years before that, which the above paper has in effect re-worked or re-invented make your own mind up on if you think it's coincidence or not ;-.
They have however chossen to use a Chirp Spread Spectrum[1] signal source that is now cheaply available, which offers some advantages in that it can be simpler to synchronise to. I did consider using CSS for the backscatter bugs but back then the level of compents needed was prohibitive something the authors of the paper point out.
So I went for a number of different solutions. A much more interesting and inovative solution was using Walsh functions that I've yet to see anybody write up about but give it another couple of years ;-. Maybe keeping the blog alowing long posts will be benificial not just for everyday readers but graduate and other researchers.
Also the issue of "foot note" links, it's often simpler to give such a link than it is to give a written description, for people to catch up to "the state of the art". The newer or more complex an idea generaly the more foot notes it needs, which I appreciate is a bit of a problem.
As the main use for CSS outside of lowpower radar systems was for "propagation soundings" to find the Maximum Usable Frequency MUF for long distance HF communications, and the number of skywave hops etc to adjust antennas for best probability of a working path.
I had a couple of ideas as I read this:. I had a dream in the late 's or early 's that I was witnessing the test of a high-power military laser on a stone wall. I was expecting the sound from all of the lasers seen in movies, some sort of squealing noise.
I didn't seen any mention of the visual effects that would accompany Clive's suggestion of a focused microwave beam inside the skull - a shock wave intense enough to produce TBI would almost certainly produce flashing lights that I saw too many times.
I raised the issue of numerical aperture, wavelength and spot size around that time, and it still is relevant to the possibilities of a microwave attack. Regarding the 'Cuban audio weapon'. I think someone used an old air powered jack hammer to break up some concrete and the young and sensitive snowflakes in the Canadian embassy never heard one before, as they were outlawed in the s in most cities.
BTW, I'm an old Canadian slowflake, eh. Another interesting chirp noise annoyance that fortunately stopped operating were the Woodpecker radars. These were huge HF, over the horizon radars that were designed to detect incoming cruise missiles and nap of earth flying bombers.
The Woodpecker radars were so named due the incessant check-check-check noise that HF radio amateurs were pestered with for decades. The last Ukrainian Woodpecker was switched off when it became contaminated by the Chernobyl accident.
The antenna is still there in the forest. Every time you remind me of electromagnetics I wonder how in the world I got stuck with security and digital when my interest was always in analog and electromagnetics!
Computers are just tools, like a hammer is, to me. One of my first jobs was a Microwave engineer, working on waveguides, strip and slot antennas, etc It was a private company that worked on military specs and supplied parts to the defense offense industry.
One day he showed me a mechanical gauge on a waveguide that can be calibrated to show the frequency. He asked me what I thought of it. He was really upset and told me: I am happy regarding improved moderation policy, many postings were to long for their content, it took more and more time to skim through the blog.
Same for the link postings although Ben A. I like the single-daily-item style of this blog and Friday's scatter. But who has the time! Have a look at their new spy equipment in and on top of the building for a technical flaw, or the AC for delivering air from overheated electronic components into the offices.
The disparate symptoms suggest multiple weapons or surveillance technologies, e. Even the pulse laser theory wouldn't tie together all of their symptoms and would likely cause even more, and detectable, damage to its victims.
Regarding the new moderation policy, it's Bruce's blog and he's free to impose whatever rules he pleases. He gives the example of conversation which is acceptable in his "living room". Not knowing Bruce personally it's difficult to gauge what he considers acceptable living room talk.
Maybe the rule goes as thus: In any event its Bruce's blog which he provides at his own expense, with no adverts, so I'm not in any position to complain. If there is to be an arbitrary character limit I think 2, characters would be a reasonable compromise or and unlimited length and some sort of 'read more' button for anything over 2, characters.
Trained Stupidity or Incompetence? Her LinkedIn professional profile lists no education related to technology or security. This is the person who was in charge of keeping your personal and financial data safe — and whose apparent failings have put million of us at risk from identity theft and fraud.
It was revealed this week that the massive data breach came due to a software vulnerability that was known about, and should have been patched, months earlier. Reporting by a few tech-savvy blogs has found that as soon as the Equifax data breach became public, someone began to scrub the internet of information about Mauldin.
There are no moral restrictions on military research, only window-dressing for public consumption. The Russians used microwaves to irradiate US embassy personnel in Moscow from the late 60's onward. The serious health effects of HF EM radiation have been known - and disregarded - since the 70's.
High-power ultrasound HPUS is an unknown, as far as effects on humans is concerned. Animal study data is difficult to extrapolate to humans mice can hear 90kHz tones. You can bet military research is ongoing.
It started with sonar in WWII. Super-power sonar kills unknown numbers of marine mammals every year. EM radiation health effects are cumulative. HPUS effects may also be. As Brodeur showed, most scientists are still are unaware of research on these subjects.
Is it the scientists who set the 'safety' limits for ionizing radiation? Governments like Japan, that keep raising the 'safe' limits around Fukushima? Bruce has commented in numerous places e. But if you want to prevent this kind of thing from happening again, your only solution is government regulation as unlikely as that may be at the moment.
The market can't fix this. Markets work because buyers choose between sellers, and sellers compete for buyers. In case you didn't notice, you're not Equifax's customer. This market failure isn't unique to data security.
For why this is "unlikely How to Understand the Cycles of Constitutional Time. We are in a period of constitutional rot. As Balkin points out, the founders were well aware that republics are very susceptible to constitutional rot, that factions will arise, that government will become oligarchical, and there will be periods in which anger with the decline of republican government will be exploited by demagogues.
But he argues these states have cyclical in America, that the controls put in place by the founders, at least in the past, have allowed for the rot to bottom out and the restoration of the constitutional order and greater security.
Economists and politicians often cite Adam Smith to justify the idea that the market is self-regulating, natural phenomenon that when left alone will best serve the greatest number. He made no such argument.
He knew all about the numerous ways markets could be detrimental to the social good and advocated for regulatory firewalls to restrain the "exertions of the natural liberty of a few individuals, which might endanger the security of the whole society".
He was also well aware that governments often fail in their regulatory role because they are captured by factional interests. Markets are not natural phenomenon. They exist in the context of institutions and regulations.
The market is regulation. The regulations can be good or bad to various degrees. They can serve narrow interests or they can serve broader social interests, more or less. But the only way you will get close to good government, as both the founders and Smith were aware, is if the tendency towards factionalism is constrained, inequality is limited, and there is an educated and informed citizenry.
Since at least the s many of the controls on factional interests and the concentration of wealth, have been weakened see here for some discussion. Note also that rational choice approaches to human behavior are internal to this process.
In the current circumstances it doesn't matter whether we are or are not the customers of Equifax, Amazon, Google, Facebook, etc. What matters is, to paraphrase Bruce, "In case you didn't notice, we are not the government's customer".
Market failure is institutional failure. I'm only a bit surprised at Bruces new rule for long lists of links. My problem is that most of the links are so damned interesting that I obsess about them: I myself once had a hardcore stance wrt politics here: In the end some people here convinced me arguing that security and politics often are strongly intertwined.
How about waiting and seeing first for a while? One point I find a little sad is that JG4's and a few others "news lists" will be gone. One the one hand I understand our host; I've complained myself; One is following a discussion and - bang - there is a big fat and unrelated news list.
On the other hand, thinking again, I found that my personal grief was basically about two things: Frankly, I was increasingly often wondering whether I'm on redit or on Schneiers blog during the last months. Let us support our host the best we can!
If these propositions were not true, we would have no problems of any kind and therefore have nothing to talk about. The mere existence of a discussion forum presumes that there is politics and that politics is the problem, the apud qua non.
The necessary end state, the precondition for anything to actually be accomplished, is zero politics. We're not going to get there, except as a thought experiment; but, as long as there is politics, thought experiments, and specifically thought experiments of just this kind, are all we have and all we can have.
Can anyone recommend some of those "other places for security news"? It's a bit of a weekend ritual for me. It might also involve some legal problems. May I suggest you post them, exactly as there were seen here, at a more common place pls not facecrook, probably check with https: I myself have brought up such news items now and again.
What's a more recent development, is the frequent appearance of really long comments with links to a whole bunch of stories Imagine some folks are sitting at the pub of an evening And then one or two participants, instead of saying "I heard an interesting thing today," or "here's my take on Fred's idea," spent several minutes playing clips from every story on the TV evening news programs.
Smart phones are known to emit both ultrasonic and infrasonic waves for completing the chain to Digital Voice Assistants. Thank you advertiser Burger King! The smart phone is held extremely close to the brain and ear so the amount of power to damage a delicate ear drum is greatly lessened.
Think of earplugs on the plane to Cuba. Smart phone Lithium batteries hold considerable energy charge. The latest phones can play very loud with minimal distortion. Playing Our Song The damage would obviously vary depending upon the model and how its was positioned with in-ear-buds the worst.
Can the volume control be hacked too while headphones are attached? So critical these phones are the primary basis for billions of mass surveillance targets. Forrest says time to speak loudly and let your voice be heard. So I certainly read the article with great interest, as did a lot of us.
We can certainly say that 21 people have been affected by this. We hope that that number will not increase. We are having our people medically tested. We have a full-time medical officer who is there in Cuba. The investigation into all of this is still underway.
It is an aggressive investigation that continues, and we will continue doing this until we find out who or what is responsible for this. Does the number keep climbing because there have been new incidents or because more people have seen medical professionals and gotten diagnoses?
I think — so the last reported incident we have remains the same as what I told you before a few weeks ago, which was late August. We are not aware of anything that has taken place since that time, but our people continue to undergo tests.
But our people are continuing to be tested. I think that that is a good question. In some cases, they heard loud grinding or ringing noises, or felt vibrations in their bodies. Some were in bed when the sensations began.
Some reported the sounds and sensations could only be felt in certain parts of the house, and that they could walk in and out of the affected area, feeling the effects shut off as they moved away from it, and resume as they moved back in.
A lengthy discussion of biological effects of sound waves in this study done for the US Navy by UT: My news aggregator is actually fully automated although when I was posting links to this blog I was manually intervening prior to submission to ensure quality and to write a snippet about the content.
The metatags were automatically added to my personal link farm so that I can search through them in years to come - similar to Pinboard. If I were to post the URLs to a paste site then I could switch on full automation, people could review the stories and then if they wanted in-depth discussion they could return on here.
Obviously this would require Bruce's express permission as I don't wish to circumvent his policy by the backdoor. Probably they would prefer not to answer. If such a solution would be easy for you, why not simply try it?
Because if I was invited to a host's dinner party with the express instruction not to discuss politics I wouldn't turn up and distribute leaflets on the subject instead. It'd be discourteous and a personal affront to the host.
Maybe they're using pulsed microwaves or modulated microwaves. Microwaves can penetrate the building's wall. It could be delivered using some type of radar Wave Field Synthesis setup. This would account for the large differences in volume.
I'd give my right arm if this isn't a hyperbole: New Bluetooth vulnerability can hack a phone in 10 seconds. Given the odd effects, I would be inclined to look for some kind of neurotoxin, which the affected people might have been exposed to inadvertently.
There is a controversial case used in radiology research of a building in Taiwan where radioactively Cobalt in recycled steel contaminated metal was used in the structure, and the inhabitants were concerned about the long-term effects.
In other words, there could be a benign[1] environmental reason why people are experiencing health effects. There are drugs that affect memory, and others that affect hearing, and something as simple as shellfish algae poisoning have have long-term sequelae.
There are other chronic conditions that are more controversial: As for hearing loud sounds when in bed, following the sense of "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
That is discoraging hostile divers from sensitive under water areas. Some of the resource material it reviews is half a century old, and medical science has moved almost as far in the last half century as it did for the two millennium preceading it.
Importantly though all of the information is about short term effects of sound exposure not longterm[1]. And there were no longterm follow ups on human experimental test subjects, to test for physiological or psychological effects.
Which is important, because we know that lower levels of mechanical vibration in the ELF to VLF range for prolonged periods cause amongst other things "white finger". So interesting as the report is[2], it's not realy relevant not only is it not as good as comparing "apples with pears" but not even like comparing "sheep to sharks".
We know that medical science has moved on in other ways, not just since the revied reports but the review it's self. We also know that research into non lethal weapons continues apace,. Which was used by UK military forces, but still officially "No Comment" This is a contentious issue.
It has long been known that these are insufficient due to the likes of resonance effects and non linear dialectric effects. Whilst the NRPB do give a "hat tip" in the direction of resonance effects they do in effect ignore other known issues.
The simple fact is neither politicians nor the industry want more exacting regulations for the usual reasons we have seen played out almost countless times before. The result is no real research is carried out nor is funding made available for it, and the little that does happen usually gets published in very obscure places.
However as others have noted, what were once very rare cancers in the head and neck are now becoming more common since the use of mobile phones. Whilst we can not say if this is due to mobile phone use or just better diagnostics, I would recommend prudence.
Thus my usuall advice to peoole is "use hands free" as much as possible, and "where possible don't hold the phone". That is don't carry it around in your pocket up close to your body, and try to use it by putting it on a table etc when using hands free.
We might not like it --I certainly don't-- but Politics is part of the human condition at all levels. Likewise though few in the general poplulation appear to realise it these days Security is part of the human condition at all levels.
The reason is that "competition for resources" has and always will be part of the human condition at all levels. Hence the sarchastic "First amongst equals" saying. Thus part of the problem is not "Politics" but "Relevant Politics" likewise it's also in part not "Discussion" but "Reasonable discussion".
In recent news a person has been sent to jail for making what is probably just a crass comment, certainly a lot less objectionable than what some comedians have done in the name of humour. We can learn another lesson from this which is "Venue and Audiance".
That is the venue has to be appropriate and the audiance unlikely to be offended in some way. But also another element, in the case of the person sent to jail they were fairly reviled due to other actions they had taken.
Thus they had made themselves a target and had drawn significant ire from society upon themselves. Which gave others the excuse they needed to behave in the way they did by sending them to jail, which was most definatly "Dirty Politics" in play, but few if any will object because the person effected was reviled.
Thus some may view those who argued for the jailing as "heros" when at other times with other people they would have been regarded as at best loathsome. Thus though it should not mob rule was in effect invoked as in lynching parties of old.
Which makes politics also very context sensitive. Thus the problem of trying to define what is and is not acceptable is not just difficult it also suffers from variability due to contect, social perception and a number of other variables.
As I've indicated in the past there are reasons why I do not have my own blog, and politics is one of them. Thus I in no way envy the task Bruce and the Moderator have. I also from time to time post links I think might be of interest or a heads up for future threads, as I'm also aware of just how much effort it takes to find things of relavance, and also how easy it is to miss the first sign posts of something that may become big news.
All in all it seems very well thought out. This background suppression is particularly effective when the target and background have similar reflectivity for example, light returned to the sensor from the target is roughly equal to the light reflecting from the background or when dark targets are to be sensed against a lighter, more reflective background.
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The transmitted or reflected beam is carried back to the receiver through different fibers. Our fiber optic cables are ideal for sensing small objects and are mounted in locations that would be inaccessible to photoelectric sensors.
Our Fiber Optic Sensors are suited for packaging applications that require detection of very small objects, parts verification in hard to reach areas, color mark registration, and more. Our sensors consist of a light amplifying unit and a fiber optic cable that you can install at the detection area allowing for remote sensitivity adjustment.
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