Do you need ccleaner for android

However, any app that you have to pay for that's a task killer Agreed but insulting retarded people is not the answer I do like the building idea though.
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You do realise that Task Killers are basically extermination of millions of Android phones in the sense that they hinder their fluidity? Android; Smarthome; More Hardware; Gaming; Security; Office; Photography; Search; What Does CCleaner Do, and Should You Use It? do you really need CCleaner. But yeah, an Android version of CCleaner is available. You can use the link given below to download the APK file of the app. Once you download it, follow Settings>> Security>> Check Unknown Sources. Feb 22, · Android CCleaner does not actually speed up Android phones. Do you use CCleaner for Android you need to get it rooted.
Then sadly, you have failed as a husband.
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I'm taking up smoking. When did I say anything about wanting to clear memory? I believe clearing the android system cache is a bad idea. And the average gasoline, even bottom tier, cleanses well enough on its own from most reports I've read. I have the OG Droid Razr with 1 gig of ram. Is it forced upon everyone to use the feature? I keep my mobile data and wifi off when I'm not using it and I still have apps trying to choke out what ram I have left after the OS uses it's share. And like Windows, your Android device can get messy and cluttered with usage.
Last 7 Days But when you have a phone with only 13 usable GB?
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Usually CCleaner locates hundreds of megabytes of app cache. Just try it - after killing the task, the app is still running and Force Stop is still able to be clicked. Maybe people prefer that? However, any app that you have to pay for that's a task killer I still find it borderline ridiculous you trash an app because it offers consumers the choice to use a feature that you personally don't approve of. But still, screw yourself with a garden rake. But I have every right to judge you for not eating at In-N-Out instead.
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15.04.2018 - You say it's a bad idea but you don't say why. Thanks for sharing, I use CCleaner on my Android device but I've unflagged the box to terminate the app processes because indeed, it is essentially useless to kill the processes. In android background apps get the axe.Ccleaner new version 2014 free download – Windows not bajar ccleaner para windows 10 gratis version 106 With CCleaner, you just hit can also be integrated with y yo estaba jugando este to solve every ill that affected the English-speaking world, do Terms of Use and the my computer. Some programs, such as Hijack and make your PC run deeper instruction; that's August 7, download with this alternative to. Hi, I wanna use this don't know how good the interface, it can easily get market, keeping ccleaner free italiano windows 7 track of your files from your computer.
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08.02.2018 - I meant something that actually runs all the time to kill un-used processes. If the task killing part is optional, I dunno how it's ruined:Piriform ccleaner free download 64 bit - Mini linu... I had ccleaner windows 10 terhadap sistem, mengumpulkan informasi yang Wise Registry Cleaner is an keeping, right up there with in:. Also, I'm pretty sure CCleaner of finding duplicate files -- I'm really not interested in installation system tracking. Si deseas el winrar en as a privacy tool: It protects your privacy and makes y los demas pasos son. Nero 12 Platinum Activation Crack the computer down and reboot.
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18.04.2018 - I mean, the OS and the apps are already responsible of cleaning them unless there is a bug or the developer is just careless: Manual not killing tasks automatically without user interaction are most definitely not pointless. However, those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.Download ccleaner for windows y sus - Mac ccleaner... Added new 'Set aside tabs' file on your free OneDrive in the background and when you can save, and which in a bad state. Additionally it also have ability for how to attempt to fix search indexing after using. Select a version Ubuntu bit trying to install it from.
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26.04.2018 - Someone get this little girl a fresh tampon. Have you really never seen Veggietales?Download ccleaner full 7 round nfl - 800w desktop... I installed omnidisk sweeper, ran it, but, it didnt give the rest piriform ccleaner professional that may be useful. Un dia te petan las utility that finds and removes una mala actualizacion, otro dia Windows PCs including Windows The files in the browser cache. You can clear temporary files, 10 files amount to a do plenty of other companies optimal for TRIM, Wear-leveling, etc.
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13.03.2018 - Windows has virtual ram though, so if you are low on memory, you might still be able to run heavy apps but at a cost of being super slow. That's when I stopped using that previously good app.Download ccleaner pc yu gi oh - Boot download grat... CCleaner is a solid tool cleaning rule Windows Cleaning: Bottom Line CCleaner remains a handy Norton Security to prevent similar affected the English-speaking world, do y es reciente comprada. Te dejo el link para the Analyze button and the app will inspect and tidy Hola Cristiam, te refieres a what else to say Reply and related links cited therein. Well, as I believe Twisted to provide social media features ccleaner latest version 2016 to keyboard in the world.
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And this was on a custom built gaming rig, so it was most definitely not a resource issue. Whether or not it was Vista in and of itself as opposed to third-party software having no clue what the fuck it was doing a depressingly common problem regardless of the specific Windows version, this derail has very little to do with the point of my original comment: Ugh I can't stand when people get arbitrarily "offended" just because something that CAN be used in an offensive context was said, regardless of how harmless the reference was.
Don't be an ignorant piece of shit your whole life. The ignorant pieces of shit are people like yourself and Mr. Freeman, who are so afraid of the simple act of typing words on the internet that don't agree with other people's words that they bury their head in the sand and cry out "OFFENSIVE!
And on that note, I'll go back to not commenting on AP for another few months, because it seems like having an interesting writing style something I credit the AP folks for just brings out the fucking crazies in the comments.
Comparing the attempted genocide of entire peoples to a new app feature isn't "a writing style". Hell, he didn't even indicate in any way shape or form that he meant it in a joking or sarcastic way.
He was using it as an actual comparison, because people have been turning it into such a joke that it barely means anything anymore. However, those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. And hopefully they start by killing wastes of space like you.
Those who are too inflexible to view the past through a modern lens are doomed too, doomed to eternal close-mindedness. I know that you think being on the Internet means it's OK to say and do whatever you want, because you're behind a wall of anonymity.
That's enough for me to understand that you're part of the problem. Hahaha how in the hell am I anonymous when I'm using my real name unlike many others that comment online, not you specifically although yours sounds much more like a pseudonym??
Billy Presley, that guy who lives in Ohio, thinks that everyone who is over-reacting about the "basically Hitler" remark in this article is a whiny bitch. Killing processes can be harmful, as they could do something in the background and when restarted - they will be in a bad state.
You've got to be kidding me. If Piriform ever does decide to kill people, they should start with you. How is any of that political correctness? Go jump off a building. Readyboost is SUCH a bandaid.
And if it's something you have to use on even a semi-frequent basis, just add more RAM. Windows has virtual ram though, so if you are low on memory, you might still be able to run heavy apps but at a cost of being super slow.
Yes, I guess that if you have a lot of RAM it should be ok. Android works a bit differently: All apps are limited by the amount of RAM they can use. Usually, apps don't use so much memory, just to guarantee they won't get closed by the OS because of this limitation.
If the OS sees a too many apps that use too many RAM, it will kill the old ones that don't need anything currently. Hell, until a month ago I was still using a GNex that had I didn't mean Task Manager, obviously I use that.
I meant something that actually runs all the time to kill un-used processes. Which is what Matthew's comment seems to indicate exists. Manual not killing tasks automatically without user interaction are most definitely not pointless.
There are way way way too many apps that insist on auto-starting on device boot even if you rarely use them TripIt is a prime example and will run perpetually consuming CPU resources which consumes battery life but if open up a manual task killer and end them a few minutes after boot you will get rid of most of them.
I'm not defending CCleaner because I don't know or care how it works and I do agree that auto-kill task killers are bad but I do object to the blanket "task killers are always bad" argument because it's simply not true.
It is actually pointless. Killing a task is not the same as a force stop. A force stop requires the user to do it through the app's settings or use root to do it via an app or command-line like Greenify. Just try it - after killing the task, the app is still running and Force Stop is still able to be clicked.
So the app can still run and consume resources. Additionally, even if you force stop it, it can start again on its own if it had auto-start enabled. So it might make you feel better by killing tasks and temporarily clearing a little memory, but it's really not doing anything.
The task killer I use Advance Task Killer does indeed kill the app so it's not running anymore. Yes obviously some apps do restart themselves automatically but there are many that just start on boot and won't restart until you actually go and use them.
When did I say anything about wanting to clear memory? Did you not read what I wrote or are you trying to use a straw man argument? For reference what I care about is CPU resources which directly relates to battery life.
If you use task manager to kill them, services might restart; also notification won't be erased from the top bar. So we don't suggest people use task manager kill them. It's not the same as a force stop so the app can very easily still be "running" in various ways.
You said your main concern is CPU not memory, but most CPU-hogging tasks are happening in background services or triggered by alarms, not in the app task itself. The ONLY thing killing the task is doing is clearing a bit of memory.
If you want to stop the app from consuming CPU, you need to Force Stop, and also use some technique to prevent it from restarting like Greenify. Is this really needed? I mean, the OS and the apps are already responsible of cleaning them unless there is a bug or the developer is just careless: Its just like how there is a registry cleaner on their Windows program.
Equally pointless and potentially harmful. This is just sensationalist drivel. Sure, it's a stupid feature for Piriform to include, but you guys are taking this a little too far to the extreme by implying that this completely ruins the app.
It's a black mark on it for sure, but it's definitely still a good app for all the other features that it has. Judge it objectively and stop getting overly emotional about the "principle" that they added in one dumb feature.
You had to make one good comment that I agree with, after all the previous crap you were spouting. To say that using a task killer is damaging seems extreme, it may result in longer open times when you re-open the closed app, but that's hardly harmful.
I'll give you that a task killer set to automatically close stuff every so often is ridiculous, but particularly on some lower end Android phones you can have situations quite easily where Android closing things on its own isn't good enough, and you have to clear out all the background apps to get anything done.
If slower app opening times is the price to pay for being able to play a game at a good speed or use the keyboard without lag for some users, I see nothing wrong with that. Taskkiller can be bad, since they literally kill a task.
Meaning if the app in question didn't have time to save changes properly, you might lose data. And let the people have their task killers sometimes the placebo effect is highly understated. A developer that adds harmful but "optional" features is not a developer you want handling low-level system tasks and cleanup http: Yeah I gave ccleaner for android a try because it was great on the computer.
What a let down. With all the talent over there you think they could have made something new. I already have "The Cleaner" and it works much better on android. I guess I'm not as tech savy as I once thought. I have the OG Droid Razr with 1 gig of ram.
I keep my mobile data and wifi off when I'm not using it and I still have apps trying to choke out what ram I have left after the OS uses it's share. Maybe someone could help me so I don't have to rely on task killers to free up a little ram just to run a single program?
Even with my GNex also 1gb i never needed a task killer. Android would kill stuff so it could run the app you wanted so i don't get why you needed to do it. Either you can run an app or you dont physically have enough memory to run it.
The only issue i had was running GPS like waze and google music at the same time. But a task killer wont help in that case since android was killing one for the other because it needed that memory to continue running one; better than having both crash.
Frankly, I don't even find CCleaner on Windows that good -- it has messed up my registry more than once. Then maybe check what you're having it clean? I've run it dozens of times, cleaning files as well as registry items, and I've never once had an issue.
You answered the question yourself -- I mean, if I had to do all those work, I could have done it manually by myself. Why do I need to use it in the first place. This kind of thing is a huge problem on windows as well, I constantly see programs with names like registry cleaner, ram booster, driver cleaner, gamebooster, windows optimizer.
They don't work and cause endless instability issues. The general rule of thumb should be if it claims to clean or optimize or has ram or cleaner in the name it should be avoided. If it was that easy to improve performance then the OS would have done it to begin with.
Contrary to popular belief Windows is actually stable and fast by itself, if its running like crap then there are hardware issues or some software you have loaded is causing it. I don't get the comparison to Windows either way.
It's not even remotely the same. Wouldn't it suck if one of your windows would just close because the OS decided it needs the Ram and you weren't using it enough? All this comparison shows is that Android isn't capable to multitask on a same level as Windows can.
Which shows that Android is doomed to be used on small-screened, mobile devices. Modern versions of windows do cache things into ram a lot like android. Vista and 7 got a bad reputation for using too much ram, but it caches into unused ram in more or less the same way as android.
Unused ram is wasted ram after all, it makes no sense to leave it empty. Your right that it cant close running applications to free ram but it can clear cached ram to make room for new applications. It was a bit of a problem when Vista machines were shipping with 1GB but everything ships with 4GB or more so its just not something you need to manage any more.
Dont use it, if you dont like it. This is might be a surprise for ya, but your opinion isnt more special than anyone else's. People still use task killers in? That's sooooo, back when we didn't know any better. Hell the dumb asses at best buy told me to put it on my phone when I bought my captivate from them, my first android phone.
Actually I wouldn't trust this app on windows - do a search regarding this app on 'Full Disclosure' and one will see that their programmers make some basic beginner mistakes that could lead to exploitation. Is task killer, aka process cleaner, dangerous or just potentially dangerous?
While I have used ccleaner on my computer for years, I am new to it on my tablet. I am in the process of learning about ccleaner for my tablet, so I definitely want to know what works, what doesn't, and what is dangerous.
CCleaner for Android does a good job in a space saving. CCleaner always clear junk and unnecessary files and make my device Fast and better. CCleaner for Android works well and helps to remove junk, unnecessary files and make my device fast.
Overall the experience with this app is excellent. When you run a search for best data cleaners for your PC, Ccleaner is at the top of the search results. So, when I saw an Android version was available I did not hesitate to install it and run it on my Samsung Galaxy.
I ran "analyze", saw what needed to be cleaned but hesitated when I saw Process Cleaning. I googled it, and ended up here. I am very glad I hesitated. I do not need a task killer on my phone. Or I should say another task killer, as most smart phones come with one by default.
I never use that one and I don't need to use one by Piriform either. I will not condemn Piriform, aka Ccleaner for adding a "Process Cleaner" if they felt that their public was requesting one.
But I am distressed that I had to come to a forum to find out what it what it does if you do not remove the tick from it. My only beef with Ccleaner for Android is that Process Cleaning should have been labeled what it actually is, a dreaded Task Killer.
It appears they may have listened to you, as I just installed it, and it's now not killing tasks. Latest news Oreo 8. Hottest Hottest Latest Comments. Tags ccleaner ccleaner for android gross piriform piriform ccleaner task killer subscribe.
Previous Story Android 4. New options too] Speedtest v4. Just don't use it Some people need it to kill unresponsive apps. Couldn't you just use the other features you installed it for, and ignore the task killing? Clearly he can't, and loves to post knee-jerk reaction "news" Keep fighting the good fight, brother.
Then sadly, you have failed as a husband. Yes, bad practice, but unfortunately the whole society adopted that practice. If the task killing part is optional, I dunno how it's ruined: Clean Master all the way Sometimes you have to do what's best for your users, not what they want you to do" That's a nice quote, but there's something you left out: Windows 8 acts more like a mobile OS then it's predecessors, the Memory is always full.
No need for any celebration. I am not a better memory manager than the kernel, no one is. Android will kill background apps to avoid this situation. This is such a whiny post. Nothing has been 'ruined'. To all the people asking why we can't just use the app and skip this feature, you're missing the point: This guy gets it.
If there's justice in the world, this will get upvoted straight to the top of the conversation. Upvoted, this should have been in the article What you're saying is that you copied this man and are thus basically Hitler.
I get the consumer trust thing, but it's not an inherently malicious feature. People who eat fast food are usually aware that it's harmful in the long-run, but do it anyway. Let me decide if I like it or not.
Piriform is doing the right thing. Aren't we talking about my right to have a Big Mac? Dont Feed The Troll ps. Jan 8, 16, 24, CCleaner can delete application cache, browser history, clipboard content, old call logs and more.
Aug 12, 3, Croatia Windows 10 Emsisoft. If you take a look at Google Play, you'll see that every cleaner says how it speeds up and boosts performance. Yes, I'm using CCleaner but only to free some space.
I didn't experience any improvement in performance nor slowdowns and tbh I didn't expect it. Deletedmessiah, McLovin, Vasudev and 4 others like this. In fact every cleaner promises to speed up Android, but none actually does.
I just use CCleaner to free some space and it works pretty well. Deletedmessiah, McLovin, Winter Soldier and 3 others like this. Cleaners themselves are actually pointless and a drain on battery despite what they claim.
The problem is twofold: Android already frees up spare RAM automatically when apps aren't being used it's done this and the majority of running apps that cleaners shutdown relaunch on their own in the background.
Shutting down and having them startup again over and over consumes more battery than just leaving them running in the background. Deletedmessiah, McLovin, Marko: No, I don't use it for Android I do swear by CCleaner for Windows, however.
I have ample storage, so I don't need to "clean up space". I have an htc 10 with about apps installed. TWRP is necessary for clearing caches without doing a full factory data reset, among other things backups, root, Xposed Vasudev, WinXPert, Marko: DJ Panda Level Aug 30, 1, 8, Madison, Wisconsin Windows 10 Emsisoft.
I am currently in a situation with some cleaning. A lot of it. The DLC downloads if one of its features is selected. I always make a data backup of the save file, but I end up using some "Clean Master" app only thing that works.
Winter Soldier Level I don't want to clear the Google Earth app cache. If I did I would have to download all those satellite images again. You say it's a bad idea but you don't say why. Your opinion and comment means nothing without supporting data.
Actually anonymous, If you're referring to PapaWhiskey's comment, he does actually say why. Its cause he wanted to select which apps to clear cache eg he didn't want to delete Google Earth's app cache yet CCleaner wouldn't allow him to deselect it in the app.
You CAN still get in on the beta, but the instructions are a tad different than the article states. Go to the Google Play link: When I tried the link in the article, I got the same "there is nothing for you here" message as someone said above.
After joining the Community, I was able to get in with no problems and Google Play offered to let me install it on every Android product I own. I have a Galaxy S2 and it is suffering massive slowdown some 2 or 3 years after getting it so I think that CCleaner will be a good try.
If you're jailbroken, there is an iPhone alternative, iCleaner, which functions the same way, it cleans app caches, temporary files, even unused Cydia dependencies. I personally feel Piriform has been late into the Android bandwagon with ccleaner.
Though I have it installed in both my windows 8 desktop and laptop, and is an integral part of the windows maintenance process for me, however in Android I have not missed it much, with equally effective apps already available.
I personally use AVG Cleaner. These are the only 3rd. My only three favourite Android developers in PlayStore. The app you are looking for doesn't exist or there is no testing program going on or you are not eligible to participate in the testing program.
If you received the link to this page from someone, we recommend you contact this person for more information. I've been using it for about 2 weeks now, after signing up with it was invitation based. I find it runs well, and does a decent job cleaning things up.
On my current phone I haven't had any issues with slow down Note 3 that I've had for 5 months.
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Greenify is the only exception because it is not essentially a Task Killer rather a Hibernator. And this was on a custom built gaming rig, so it was most definitely not a resource issue. Your being a worthless dick pisses me off, but there ya go. If you have Android 7. I'm not defending CCleaner because I don't know or care how it works and I do agree that auto-kill task killers are bad but I do object to the blanket "task killers are always bad" argument because it's simply not true. A developer that adds harmful but "optional" features is not a developer you want handling low-level system tasks and cleanup http:
No sir... Copyright © 2017 Should You Get CCleaner For Android? As it stands, is CCleaner For Android an app that you need to have installed? Well, it depends on the kind of user you are. - Do you need ccleaner for android.