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Browse our answers and if you still have questions, do. A common adage is that there are two guarantees with concrete. One, it will get hard and two, it will crack. Cracking is a frequent cause of complaints in the concrete industry.
The Concrete Foundations Association has produced a new flyer to help contractors educate their customers about the causes of cracks and when they should be a concern. A more detailed explanation of cracking is presented in this article.
Cracking can be the result of one or a combination of factors such as drying shrinkage, thermal contraction, restraint external or internal to shortening, subgrade settlement, and applied loads.
Cracking can not be prevented but it can be significantly reduced or controlled when the causes are taken into account and preventative steps are taken. Another problem associated with cracking is public perception. Cracks can be unsightly but many consumers feel that if a crack develops in their wall or floor that the product has failed.
It is in the best interest of you, the wall contractor, to educate your customers that the wall will crack and when it should be a concern to them. Cracks that occur before hardening usually are the result of settlement within the concrete mass, or shrinkage of the surface plastic-shrinkage cracks caused by loss of water while the concrete is still plastic.
Settlement cracks may develop over embedded items, such as reinforcing steel, or adjacent to forms or hardened concrete as the concrete settles or subsides. Settlement cracking results from insufficient consolidation vibration, high slumps overly wet concrete, or a lack of adequate cover over embedded items.
Plastic-shrinkage cracks are most common in slabs and are relatively short cracks that may occur before final finishing on days when wind, a low humidity, and a high temperature occur.
Surface moisture evaporates faster than it can be replaced by rising bleed water, causing the surface to shrink more than the interior concrete. As the interior concrete restrains shrinkage of the surface concrete, stresses can develop that exceed the concrete s tensile strength, resulting in surface cracks.
Plastic-shrinkage cracks are of varying lengths spaced from a few centimeters inches up to 3 m 10 ft apart and often penetrate to mid-depth of a slab. Cracks that occur after hardening usually are the result of drying shrinkage, thermal contraction, or subgrade settlement.
One method to accommodate this shrinkage and control the location of cracks is to place construction joints at regular intervals. For example, joints can be constructed to force cracks to occur in places where they are inconspicuous or predictable.
Horizontal reinforcement steel can be installed to reduce the number of cracks or prevent those that do occur from opening too wide. The major factor influencing the drying shrinkage properties of concrete is the total water content of the concrete.
As the water content increases, the amount of shrinkage increases proportionally. Large increases in the sand content and significant reductions in the size of the coarse aggregate increase shrinkage because total water is increased and because smaller size coarse aggregates provide less internal restraint to shrinkage.
Use of high-shrinkage aggregates and calcium chloride admixtures also increases shrinkage. Concrete has a coefficient of thermal expansion and contraction of about 5. Concrete placed during hot midday temperatures will contract as it cools during the night.
A 40 F drop in temperature between day and night-not uncommon in some areas-would cause about 0. Thermal expansion can also cause cracking. Structural cracks in residential foundations usually result from settlement or horizontal loading.
Most but not all structural cracks resulting from applied loads are nearly horizontal parallel to the floor and occur 16 to 48 from the top of the wall. They are much more prevalent concrete block construction.
They can be brought about by hydrostatic pressure or heavy equipment next to the foundation. Diagonal cracks that extend nearly the full height of the wall are often an indication of settlement.
In either of the above conditions, an engineer should be consulted. Diagonal cracks emanating from the corner of windows and other openings are called reentrant cracks and are usually the result of stress build-up at the corner.
Diagonal reinforcement at the corner of openings can reduce the instance of crack formation and will keep the cracks narrow. Minimize the mix water content by maximizing the size and amount of coarse aggregate and by using low-shrinkage aggregate.
Use the lowest amount of mix water required for workability and placement; do not permit overly wet consistencies. Prevent rapid loss of surface moisture while the concrete is still plastic through use of spray-applied finishing aids or plastic sheets to avoid plastic-shrinkage cracks more important in slabs.
Provide contraction joints at reasonable intervals, 30 times the wall thickness is a good rule-of-thumb. Cracks can also be caused by freezing and thawing of saturated concrete, alkali - aggregate reactivity, sulfate attack, or corrosion of reinforcing steel.
However, cracks from these sources may not appear for years. Proper mix design and selection of suitable concrete materials can significantly reduce or eliminate the formation of cracks and deterioration related to freezing and thawing, alkali-aggregate reactivity, sulfate attack, or steel corrosion.
If your home has a basement, chances are you have a crack in the foundation, through which water will leak eventually. An overview of cracking behavior in concrete. Tremendous forces can build up inside the wall due to any causes of cracks.
When the forces exceed the strength of the concrete, cracks will develop. Each of these causes normally leave a signature in the type of crack it creates. Majority of these cracks are of little concern by themselves.
Shrinkage cracks in poured concrete foundation can be diagonal or vertical and are usually uniform in width. Sometimes these cracks have a V-shape less common, with the top of the crack looking larger and the crack getting smaller as it travels towards to floor and diminishing or stopping before reaching the bottom of the foundation wall.
If the crack reaches the bottom, the crack might damage the building s footings and the crack might have a major impact on the foundation structure. Shrinkage cracks should not be ongoing nor of structural significance, though they may invite water entry through the wall.
In poured concrete foundations, shrinkage cracks are usually due to conditions at original construction: In any case, concrete shrinkage causes the concrete to develop internal stresses.
Unless control joints were included in the wall or floor slab design, these stresses will cause the wall or floor is likely to crack in a classic concrete shrinkage pattern as the concrete cures.
Hairline cracks may develop in concrete foundations as the concrete cures. Hairline cracks do no cause problems with the stability of the foundation but do cause leakage problems. If the cracks appear shortly after pouring the concrete foundation, concrete may have been mixed poorly or poured too quickly.
In poured concrete foundations, hairline crack frequently appear in the center of the walls because the wall corners have a greater stability. Settlement cracks may appear when the underlying ground has not been compacted or prepared properly or if the subsoil was not of the proper consistency.
A settlement crack may also appear as a random crack above areas where the soil of the subgrade was uneven after the concrete was poured. Settlement cracks are usually wider at the top of the crack than the bottom as the foundation bends over a single point, allowing differential settlement.
This type of crack is usually continuous, and may occur multiple times in a wall. Temperature and Shrinkage cracks are often vertical or diagonal. You typically see these cracks formed from a corner of a window, beam pocket, step down, or other opening.
Cracks of this type are called reentrant cracks. These are very common and, unless they leak or show significant lateral displacement, are of no structural concern. Vertical cracks often appear in multiples multiple cracks in one or more area.
If there is significant vertical dislocation or signs of ongoing movement, you should consult a structural engineer. If the cause is shrinkage, it is probably less of a concern than if due to settlement.
A vertical foundation crack due to earth loading or frost would be unusual. A larger vertical crack can occur when the construction contractors incorrectly prepare the concrete footings and when the wall had poor steel reinforcement as the workers poured the concrete for the wall.
Cracks can also occur during the footing settlement. Horizontal cracks found in the center of the wall are most likely caused by an applied load such as back fill around foundation compacted improperly or too soon, earth compacting as it settles, hydrostatic pressure against foundation due to high water table and poor drainage against the foundation wall, or heavy equipment operated too soon or too close to the foundation wall.
Horizontal cracks found high up on the wall are most likely caused by frost damage. Sometimes these fine cracks are not noticed for years. In a case like this, a structural engineer should be consulted.
Diagonal cracks that are almost the full height of the foundation wall are usually caused by settlement. When there s a settlement problem with footing on one side of the wall, this settlement can also cause a diagonal crack.
If the diagonal crack is wider at the top than at the bottom, then it may be caused by expansion clay soil or frost damage. If the crack is wider at the bottom than the top, there is likely a problem with the settlement beneath.
Some uniform diagonal cracks are simply caused by shrinkage and will only cause water leakage problems. Diagonal cracks that emanate from a corner of a window and other openings are called reentrant cracks and are usually the result of stress built-up at the corner.
Structural cracks in residential foundations usually result from horizontal loading or settlement. Most but not all structural cracks resulting from applied load hydrostatic pressure or heavy equipment around foundation wall are nearly horizontal and appear 16 to 48 from the top of the wall.
They are more common in block foundation walls. Next time you re in your basement, take a look around at your foundation walls. You are bound to find a crack. Cracks in basements happen. If your a homeowner that has cracks in your concrete foundation.
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We cannot be held liable for issues that arise from the download or use of these products. Driver Magician offers a professional solution for device drivers backup, restoration, update and removal in Windows operating system.
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What are the latest versions of these two and where can I find them. Have had especial trouble with the bios update. Last straw solution to. After some downtime, the blue screen appeared. This time just restarted the. The latest known version of Igdkmd SYS files such as igdkmd Intel Corporation device drivers or critical system files that come as part of the Windows operating system.
Most SYS files allow internal PC hardware or attached hardware, such as a printer, to communicate with third-party software programs eg. Other SYS files are critical system files called kernel mode device drivers which are used to power the Windows operating system.
SYS contain configuration settings and specify what device drivers should be loaded by the operating system. Without driver files such as igdkmd SYS file errors are typically caused by faulty hardware or corrupt device driver files.
Because of the importance of Igdkmd Please see Causes of Igdkmd SYS errors, such as those associated with igdkmd The majority of igdkmd A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.
The problem seems to be caused by the following file: Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart. A lo largo de la historia los usuarios de ordenadores personales conectados a internet han luchado contra los intrusos y el malware.
Riesgos de los coches conectados a Internet Ver: Asimismo, se desglosa el modelo de negocio y las futuras tendencias en cuanto a plataformas de conectividad en el mercado. El internet de las cosas y los coches hackeables El concepto de Internet de las cosas lleva dando vueltas desde finales del siglo pasado y parece que, por fin, empezamos a ver sus aplicaciones.
Los fallos de seguridad han sido descubiertos por Nitesh Dhanjani, un reconocido analista de seguridad y autor de varios libros sobre el particular. Las consecuencias de que otro usuario acceda mediante la app para iOS al Tesla S de otra persona pueden ser graves.
Riesgos para la privacidad. Entre las novedades se encuentra una lavadora, un horno y una nevera. Con estos lanzamientos, se busca que los usuarios tengan un hogar totalmente inteligente. Hackean el GPS para controlar barcos y aviones a distancia.
El mismo sistema se puede aplicar a aviones comerciales, e incluso drones de guerra. Hackean un Toyota Prius en DefCon. La idea es que otros hackers puedan replicar su experimento. McAfee ha publicado recientemente un informe Caution Malware Aheads en el que analiza los riesgos a los que se enfrentan los coches de hoy.
Sin embargo, al incorporar estas nuevas prestaciones, la seguridad ha quedado en un segundo plano. Otra cosa es que, de forma deliberada, una marca decida dejar estas puertas abiertas. Este es el caso de Volkswagen y el Passat.
El experimento viene firmado por las universidades de San Diego y Washington y es, cuanto menos, sorprendente. Los investigadores colocaron un pen USB enchufado al equipo de audio del coche. No se trata de un estudio de ensayo y error, sino de un caso real.
Volvemos a los experimentos. Como bien sabemos, no es necesario sacar esta tarjeta ni de nuestro bolsillo: Si no se tiene la tarjeta, el coche no se abre ni arranca. Bien, pues unos estudiosos demostraron lo peligroso de este sistema, panacea para los cacos.
El funcionamiento es sencillo: Por ejemplo, dar muchos acelerones o frenazos bruscos. En caso de que subsanemos el error, la alerta desaparece. Sobre el papel, con Automatic todo son ventajas. Con todos los peligros que ello conlleva: Por ejemplo se puede convertir en un arma muy eficiente para los ladrones de coches.
Nosotros paramos y, como consideramos que vamos a tardar poco, dejamos el coche en marcha y obviamente abierto. En este caso, sin embargo, estamos hablando de experimentos universitarios aparentemente solventes: Uno de los profesores se jacta de la idea.
Riesgos para la privacidad: Le ha comido completamente el terreno a las siglas 3D y es la relativamente nueva moda en el mundo de los televisores. De apenas unos widgets flotando por la pantalla hemos pasado a un televisor puramente conectado.
A los Smart TV que ya se han ganado dicho apelativo con creces. Y para rematar incluso podemos instalar software en nuestro propio televisor y usarlo como si fuera un ordenador. Ya existen App Store tiendas de programitas con juegos y muchas aplicaciones para descargarse e instalar programitas en nuestro propio smart televisor.
Estas tiendas son propias de cada marca de televisor, como ocurre con los Smartphones. Todos estos televisores tienen una interface facil e intuitiva de manejar, que hacen que sean muy facil su uso y con su propio sistema operativo.
Descubren agujeros de seguridad en Uno de cada tres televisiones de pantalla plana vendidos en era smart TV. El internet de las cosas: En definitiva son televisores hechos exclusivamente para el entretenimiento.
Sus precios, aunque seguro que van variando, sobrepasan los euros. Uno de las inquietudes que se manifiestan llega desde el sector del negocio. En estos formatos los anunciantes pueden romper la barrera poco a poco se ha ido logrando del anuncio plano a dirigir cierto tipo de anuncio dependiendo de las preferencia del usuario.
Y en tercer lugar existe la posibilidad de convertir un televisor cualquiera en uno conectado sin pasar exclusivamente por las soluciones de las marcas televisivas. Un fallo de seguridad permite tomar el control de las Samsung Smart TV del Hackean televisores de Samsung y los controlan desde Internet.
Samsung Smart TV contienen una vulnerabilidad que permite a atacantes remotos para obtener datos desde dispositivos de almacenamiento conectados. Una empresa de seguridad demuestra que hasta las televisiones inteligentes Smart TV se pueden hackear y de forma sencilla.
A este paso vamos a tener que llevar un cortafuegos contra hackers hasta en los zapatos. Hasta ahora era normal ser cauto con la seguridad de nuestros PC. Mediante un video, esta empresa ha mostrado lo sencillo que resulta hackear la zona Smart TV de estos equipos y tomar el control desde la red.
Pero el verdadero objetivo es obtener sus datos. Se trata de un servicio de streaming a secas, sino de una plataforma completa con equipos propios. Dictado por voz de Google: Es para hablar y que lo escriba, dentro solo hay que poner un par de opciones, quitar lo de palabras ofensivas para que coja todo.
Se configura el idioma y tema a cada gusto. Voz y sonido, no tienen mucho misterio. Y luego tiene un link a su web para aprender a escribir sin levantar el dedo. No vamos a entrar en el mundo de apps recomendadas porque hay miles y cada uno tiene sus preferencias, pero si vamos a entrar en las que es conveniente sustituir por otras.
La primera es la galeria. Es tremendamente simple y no he encontrado la forma de que ordene las fotos por carpetas, lo hace por fecha y cada vez que entro, se pone a escanear todo el dispositivo y Sd, lo cual es un latazo. Lo mejor es que se puede configurar como queremos ver las ventanas o texto y detalles de archivo.
Pero a veces no nos gusta el icono de alguna app o el texto que aparece, sobretodo si hemos cambiado la aplicacion y nos cuesta encontrar la nueva.
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