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Download Download miror 2. I have just unistalled my whatsapp of samsung galaxy note and now i want to download new version of whatsapp for samsung galaxy note. Each user receives a different part, which in turn, after saving it on a computer begins to be distributed.
If communication is interrupted by one of the distributers, the program chooses another one and the process continues. In addition, the user with the greatest speed distribution is always selected as a dealer.
There is nothing complicated about it, that s just sounds a little confusing. After the first experience with the program, you will understand everything. In addition, BitTorrent-Client undertakes almost all the important functions for downloading and distributing torrents.
To download a torrent, you need to find a special server-torrent tracker. We can recommend you as one of the easiest and understandable sites of such kind. On this server, you select the file and start quick download.
Of course, physically, there are no files on the server itself. All of them are located on the computers of other users and server shows just a list of files. The very same server coordinates the distribution of the files from one users to another.
If it happens so that no user is distributing user is online, then downloading torrents is impossible, because in fact there is nowhere to take it. If this happens, try to free download torrent in the evening or at night, usually at this time there are more members that are active.
That s the way the answer to another question: And the answer is - of course, from a site or server tracker, like slowtorrent. It is also worth remembering that the torrent client runs in the background and consumes very few resources of your computer.
So you can safely work or study, while download torrent online. And you can put files to download any number as long as there is enough of hard disk memory. Now, we will have practical training on how to download torrent.
To begin with, get in the vast network of Internet software torrent client. Next, select yourself any torrent tracker, register and select the file that you would like to download. It is easy to use and not greedy for computer resources.
Small footprint, quick to install, does not require any pre-setting, that is immediately ready for use. Now let s look where to download torrent files. Search torrent files on torrent trackers, special sites and servers, where users share files.
Some trackers might be only a list of files on the other, for an individual file can be assigned a separate page, with the most detailed description of it. It is preferable to use the latter, especially for beginners.
Some torrent trackers require registration, others do not require it. So, how to free downloads torrents. If the site has a registration, then you need first to register, if not, just write in the search box the name of the movie or desired program.
If you do not know exactly what you want to fins, simply go to the category of movies or video, or games. Next, select a subcategory - Documentary, foreign, series and so on. The whole system is very similar in almost all trackers.
So if you have used any other tracker and moved to a new one, you can understand a new one. After finding the desired movie, in its description may be present, such information:. Seeder is a user who distributes the entire downloaded file.
Generally, the more seeds, the better, because thanks to them, upload speed is significantly increased. But even if there is no distribution, no oxide, it does not mean that you can not download the file.
Leech is a party distribution that a certain number of segments downloaded files and distributes them. The client program can find leech addresses, file segments as they have, and the speed with which they give and they take.
But this does not mean that if there is no distribution of oxides, the leeches will not be able to get the file. Having a different number of segments, they can share them with each other until they get the whole file.
Especially if a lot of leeches are available. Let us summarize the information. In general, BitTorrent or simply torrent is an Internet protocol that allows you to quickly download large files. In contrast to the usual download site, using the BitTorrent file takes piece by piece in a large number of users.
This allows you to download large files like music albums, movies and TV series much faster than would be obtained by means of other protocols torrent tracker. To understand how BitTorrent works, it is worth considering what happens when we download a file from a site in a conventional manner.
And there is something like this:. In the data transmission, speed is affected by the set of factors, including the type of protocol, and the server load. If the file is a heavy and at the same popular time, server load is high and the speed of downloading, respectively, is low.
When using torrents, the system is very different. The file is not downloaded from any server, and, as already mentioned, it is drawn in part from a plurality of users so we do not depend on the load on a single server and its availability.
However, it will not work without the server. You need a torrent client - a special program for downloading and assembling the elements of the file together. BitTorrent works based on the principle you give me, I have what you have: Here is how it works:.
At too low rating may apply different restrictions to download, for example, no more than one file at a time, or load may be temporarily forbidden for those who are trying to only receive, not handing out - for so-called leechers from the word leech.
Rating is a very commonly used tool to stimulate users to stay on hand, but there is a tracker, where the rating system is not applied torrent tracker. It is noteworthy that the more popular the file is, the greater the oxides and the faster the download is note, if you boot from a traditional server situation is the opposite.
As you have already understood, installing, configuring and using the torrent client is very simple and useful. To download through BitTorrent, you must first install the program - a torrent client. You may also need to adjust the firewall settings if you use it, so that it is allowed to take the torrent files.
But first things first:. If the download of the film in our example does not start, then either now no one gives out it, or your firewall software that blocks unauthorized access to computer ports blocks the uTorrent. Go to the firewall settings and open ports from to for incoming traffic which uses them BitTorrent.
You may also need to enable port forwarding IP-address of your computer to the port from to, to other computers on a swarm might see you. Here, you may need professional help or more detailed acquaintance with the principles of the firewall settings bad advice - you can simply disable the firewall.
Features of the BitTorrent network. BitTorrent is different from similar P2P-protocol: This torrent-file can be distributed through any channels of communication such as lists of torrent-files can be laid out on special Web servers located in the user s network, sent via email, posted to blogs or news feeds RSS.
Itself torrent-file contains meta information for example, hash sum address tracker, and so on of the distributed data. The basic principle of the record, the distribution file is completely controlled tracker whose address is in the torrent-file, so that users download the file itself called Leecher begins to distribute as soon as downloading is suitable for this first part.
Cooperative user behavior is inherent in the very architecture of the protocol, and in principle can not be selfish. Architecture of BitTorrent provides for a file, put in a network, the only owner who is interested in its propagation.
The original owner of the file generates a torrent-file. The client, in turn, downloads a file for HTTP, FTP, or simply handing out any way with extension torrent, which contains information about the address of the owner, the name and size of the desired file and its hash.
That s all you need to track the progress of the process, control and response capabilities users to download an incomplete or empty file. The key to the success of any peer to peer network typically requires users not only upload files, but also to share them with others.
Meanwhile, for various reasons mostly related to payment channels, quite often users prefer as soon as possible to download the file and shut, despite the fact that the rules of etiquette written request to share with other users.
This reduces the amount of available sources, because of which suffer from stability and quality of the network. The BitTorrent provides a special method of dealing with selfish leeches, which involves the user rating, where the most generous given priority on foreign servers, and those who share unwilling boot Popular files go to the end of the queue.
Participation in the exchange system of tracker-server programmers BitTorrent gave an opportunity to introduce an algorithm that prevents the appearance of incomplete files. Since the tracker stores information about segments successfully loaded on each machine, the file download will start to force new customers with the most rare segment.
If BitTorrent client downloads large files, divided into parts, it does not mean that the process will begin with the segment number 01 and end segment. The customer always receives the segment, which occupies the last place on the prevalence of that, ideally after connections to the central the server will provide an opportunity to put in a peer entire file.
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Subscribe Now Do you want to show or other products of your own company. Serial Killer Culture examines the reasons why artists and collectors are fascinated by serial killers. This compelling yet horrifying array of 51 disturbing quotes from 19 disturbed serial killers is drawn from the public domain.
Although I m quite certain that each and everyone of these killers had their moments of intense terror and loneliness, I am struck by the fact that some of them seem far more unhappy than others. For example, Aileen Wuornos may have been one of the most unhappy women that every lived.
Compared to her, suave Mr. Bundy seems to to be feeling only moderate pain, while the deadly Dahmer appears to be consumed with guilt over his actions. What all of this boils down to is that although serial killers may well shares many basic personality characteristics, they are all different which makes it tough to generalize effectively about them.
To me, this world is nothing but evil, and my own evil just happened to come out cause of the circumstances of what I was doing. Hello from the gutters of New York City, which are filled with dog manure, vomit, stale wine, urine and blood.
I was literally singing to myself on my way home, after the killing. The tension, the desire to kill a woman had built up in such explosive proportions that when I finally pulled the trigger, all the pressures, all the tensions, all the hatred, had just vanished, dissipated, but only for a short time.
Gein lived in my home state of Wisconsin. Edmund Kemper Big Ed was tall, large and reportedly had the I. He has been a model prisoner. I remember there was actually a sexual thrill. Whipping their heads off, their body sitting there.
That d get me off. With a girl, there s a lot left in the girl s body without a head. Of course, the personality is gone. H Holmes completely unique in that he built his notorious Murder Castle where he apparently did in his victims.
I was born with the devil in me. I could not help the fact that I was a murderer, no more than the poet can help the inspiration to sing.. I was born with the evil one standing as my sponsor beside the bed where I was ushered into the world, and he has been with me since.
Henry Lee Lucas Henry was without a doubt the victim of bad parenting. The cult film, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer is loosely based on him and possibly Ottis Toole. I strongly recommend it but keep in mind, it is not for the faint at heart.
I hated all my life. When I first grew up and can remember, I was dressed as a girl by mother. And I stayed that way for two or three years. And after that was treated like what I call the dog of the family.
I was made to do things that no human bein would want to do. Sex is one of my downfalls. I get sex any way I can get it. If I have to force somebody to do it, I do I rape them; I ve done that.
I ve killed animals to have sex with them, and I ve had sex while they re alive. Ian Brady Brady, killer of children along with his partner Myra Hindley, was apparently quite the intellectual. He is old and ill now and has expressed his fervent desire to die but the British authorities insist on keeping him alive by means of a feeding tube.
Contrary to popular perception, the so-called Moors Murders were merely an existential exercise of just over a year, which was concluded in December My consuming lust was to experience their bodies. I viewed them as objects, as strangers.
It is hard for me to believe a human being could have done what I ve done. I couldn t find any meaning for my life when I was out there, I m sure as hell not going to find it in here. This is the grand finale of a life poorly spent and the end result is just overwhelmingly depressing it s just a sick, pathetic, wretched, miserable life story, that s all it is.
How it can help anyone, I ve no idea. After my head has been chopped off, will I still be able to hear, at least for a moment, the sound of my own blood gushing from my neck. That would be the best pleasure to end all pleasure.
Richard Ramirez The Night Stalker was smart and could have done much good in the world if he d had a decent childhood. We ve all got the power in our hands to kill, but most people are afraid to use it. The ones who aren t afraid, control life itself.
A little too suave and self-serving for my taste. I haven t blocked out the past. I wouldn t trade the person I am, or what I ve done — or the people I ve known — for anything. So I do think about it.
And at times it s a rather mellow trip to lay back and remember. You learn what you need to kill and take care of the details Its like changing a tire The 1st time you re careful By the 30th time, you can t remember where you left the lug wrench.
You feel the last bit of breath leaving their body. You re looking into their eyes. A person in that situation is God. Albert DeSalvo Although DeSalvo was definitely a rapist, it has not been definitively settled whether he was actually a murderer.
That could be why his quote seems unlike those of the real serial killers. His remains have been exhumed in hopes of obtaining DNA matches. It wasn t as dark and scary as it sounds. I had a lot of fun killing somebody s a funny experience.
I always had the desire to inflict pain on others and to have others inflict pain on me. I always seemed to enjoy everything that hurt. The desire to inflict pain, that is all that is uppermost. Arthur Shawcross This execrable human claimed to have eaten the vaginas of 3 of his 11 known female victims.
I took the right leg of that woman s body, from the knee to the hip took the fat off and ate it while he stared at the other girl. When I bit into it she just urinated right there. When this monster entered my brain, I will never know, but it is here to stay.
How does one cure himself. I can t stop it, the monster goes on, and hurts me as well as society. Maybe you can stop him. I ve killed no one. I ve ordered no one to be killed. These children who come to you with their knives, they re your children.
I didn t teach them, you did. You know, if I wanted to kill somebody, I d take this book and beat you to death with it. And I wouldn t feel a thing. It d be just like walking to the drug store. Carl Panzram Panzram confessed to 22 murders, and to having sodomized over 1, males.
He was hanged for having murdered a prison employee at Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary in The Zodiac Killer Quotes The Zodiac was very smart although he certainly might have been brought to justice if modern forensic techniques had been available during his reign of terror.
A violent, psychotic killer with a Freudian Excuse gets sick pleasure out of the suffering of his victims. It sounds like he s your basic Serial Killer, right. Can you tell if these quotes belong in Fifty Shades of Grey or a murder trial.
Barry the Chopper from Fullmetal Alchemist is a comically violent serial killer even after his death. That said, the images of his backstory are rather unnerving, and. From Milwaukee Cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer to Vampire of Dusseldorf Peter Kurten, these 21 serial killer quotes come from the worst mass murderers of all time.
Below you will find the most complete list of serial killer quotes and mass murderer quotes on the internet. We are constantly adding new quotes. The only catch was that it cost 16 now we re back. PdaNet works on Vista which already has Mobile Sync built-in.
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LAN connections on your computer might send data packets to the cellphone connection and cause the network to drop. Some applications on your phone might attempt to periodically connect to the Internet every few minutes, this will cause the PdaNet connection to drop.
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Sueldo Percepciones Deducciones Del periodo Anual La solucion a este problema es Archivo, Calendarios y modificas la fecha segun como sea tu nomina, en mi caso es mensual e inicio la primera nomina el dia 30 de Dic y fue la fecha que coloque y corrigio los acumulados anuales.
Hiciste respaldo previo antes de hacer esos movimientos? Si lo tienes pues cargalo y ya, si no en tu nueva instalacion tienes que ponerle que como DAC use la misma carpeta que anteriormente tenias, la misma empresa y todo.
No creo que tengas borrada la informacion Para que funcionen los correos ya tienes el outlook configurado y funcionando con una cuenta de correo? Lo que indica Hum es correcto, pero tambien verifica que la cta de correo a la que estes amndando, sea la correcta.
Buenas noches el afortunado de tener un sae 5 jaja, tengo el siguiente error al capturar ventas superiores a 50mil pesos, al darle guardar arroja lo siguiente:. Tengo el mismo error. Lo curioso es que cuando importo el archivo en la verssion de prueba no me marca el error pero a la hora de hacer la importacion en la empresa me marca este error.
Yo de plano deje ASPEL, es una sacadera de dinero impresionante, yo decidi y compre Stocking macro, es una maravilla y no esta monopolizado, facturo y decido que timbrar incluye paq de CFDIE y no te cobranb nada por adaptarlo esta en programainventarios punto com.
Que tal soy otro sufridor del sae 5. Gris la opinion de un antivirus es como la opinion de algun seguro para automoviles o cual es el mejor coche, cada usuario puede decir algo diferente de cada uno, yo uso Panda, cuesta un poco de trabajo dar permisos en el firewall para que no interrumpa el funcionamiento del SAE, pero una vez que logres hacer que el firewall lo deje trabajar, y tu red este bien configurada descansaras mucho.
Solucionen eso y el SAE se volvera muy estable. Efectivamente es bien dificil esto de los antivirus, al contrario de lo que comenta Alfredo, la opcion de Panda a mi parecer no es muy buena pues es muy pesado este antivirus, en lo personal he usado Hauri ViRobot y es un antivirus que no necesita configures nada y solito se adapta perfectamente, es Koreano y te detecta muy bien y muy ligero.
Pero pues como todo a cada quien le funciona y recomienda el que ha usado y le sale bueno. Hola buena pregunta, a mi realmente me afuncionado kaspersky es muy seguro, pero requiere de demaciada memoria ram, no me ha dado ningun problema, he conocido clientes que usaron nod32 en sus inicios fue muy bueno tengo k reconocerlo pero ahora es muy chafa.
Tengo el sistema Aspel Sae 5. Mayra, hasta donde he visto y revisado, el PDF se crea siempre y cuando tengas activada la opcion de envio de correo electronico, si cuando se crea tu factura tienes activada esta opcion se genera al PDF para poder ser enviado, pero si no esta activada el sistema supone que no necesitas el PDF y solo crea el XML.
Por lo que seria bueno que siempre la tengas activada con todos tus clientes, les envio o no correo. Metete al administrador de reportes, te va a la seccion de facturas y el nombre del formato que imprime tus facturas, le pones editar y ahi agregas los datos que nececites.
Tengo un Error en Aspel 5. NumCptoCompVtasPlazos se le asiglo el valor por defecto. Se detecto un valor invalido en el archivo Empresa. Al parametro de Facturas: Asi es, el que se te haya borrado esa factura no afecta mientras no este timebrada, es como si fuera una cancelacion administrativa, lo unico es que no tendras tu consecutivo administrativo, por eso ahora que inicias trata de tener siempre un respaldo de tus facturas continuamente.
Hola buenas tardes Yo compre timbres con aspel y el mismo paquete me ha servido para cancelar facturas y blo he echo en el sae 5. Entonces si elegimos Cancelar desde el portal del SAT gratuitamente.. Tambien el SAE lo maneja como si fueran dos cosas diferentes, si le das cancelar un proceso es devolver la mercancia y quitarle el saldo al cliente y el otro proceso por separado es timbrar la cancelacion.
Si no tienes timbres de cancelacion solo te hara el primer proceso y el segundo lo dejara pendiente por timbrar. Efectivamente ASPEL tiene muchos errores Me gustaria unirme a este foro, que tengo que hacer Soy desarrollador de software nominas, contabilidad, facturacion, cxp, cxc, etc,.
Hasta donde yo sabia,, como es a cliente de mostrador que no esta registrado ante hacienda no se le debe desglozar iva. Es correcto lo que dice Alfredo, las facturas de mostrador al no tener un RFC estas en la factura Impresa No desglosan el IVA pero contablemente el contador si lo desglosa, aun asi si tu pones en la factura de mostrador los datos del cliente y el RFC en ese momento Aspel lo detecta y desglosa el IVA.
Hola Francisco buenas tardes Tu instalacion de Facture no quedo bien, yo te recomiendo que lo desinstales y lo vuelvas a instalar Yo lo instale y fue muy sencillo, de echo ya elabore 8 facturas con el Yo tengo windows 8, que windows tienes, pues algo tiene que ver con los permisos que maneja windows 7 Espero te sirva de algo De cualquier forma estoy en contacto.
Hola, ya realice mis facturas en el sae 5. En primer punto respalda la informacion y despues corre el reinstalable de SAE, cuando inicie te dara 2 opciones, una que dice Reparar y la otra de Instalara, dale Reparar con eso el sistema verifica que todo este instalado y hara la instalacion de Firebird.
Hace poco instale el reinstalable R2 a noi 7. Buen dia, alguien podria ayudarme? El problema esta en la configuracion de Factura Electronica, en esa seccion donde le dices al sistema cual es el usuario y contrasena para tus factiras tiene una pestana arriba que dice Cancelacion y ahi hay que volvera darle el usuario y contrasena para que toem tus mismos timbres para Emision y Cancelacion, ahora si es rentado el sistema y te incluye lo timbres, tienes que comprar unos tiembres para cancelar y hacer el proceso que te comento porque el sistema en renta no incluye timbrado para cancelar.
Espero esto te ayude. Nidia, si el Facture es rentado, este te incluye toda emision, ya sea facturas o Notas de credito, pero las cancelaciones tienes que comprar un paquete de timbres para que puedas hacerlo. Ahora si lo compraste y para ambos casos, en la configuracion donde pones el usuario y contrasena hayn una opcion que dice Canecelaciones tienes que entrar ahi y dar los mismos datos y probar conexion.
Buen dia a todos! Buenas tardes, en el sistema sae 5. Indica que se ha llegado al limite de usuarios como si no hubiera licencias disponibles. Solo este equipo tiene problema, Servidor Win Server R2 y el resto de las estaciones Win 7 entran perfectamente.
Ya desinstalamos antivirus y deshabilitamos firewall, reiniciamos el servidor de licencias y los equipos pero nada. Me suena a un problema solo con Win 8. Tengo instalado SAE 5. Opcion 2 Realiza un diagnostico de la base de datos si encuentra errores ejecuta la repacion.
Acabo de Instalar NOI 7. Esta actualizacion en pantalla de NOI parece tener un error para actualizar los demas sistemas Aspel. Tambien tuvimos el mismo problema con un cliente. Lo solucionamos desinstalando los paquetes y reinstalando con el disco original, despues actualizamos con los reinstalables que puedes descargar de la pagina de Aspel.
Hay que realizar un respaldo de DAC por si acaso o recuperar con el mas reciente que tengas. Cuando quiero agregar una orden de compra me sale este error: Error de apertura en Z: El sistema presenta un error de instalacion.
Es necesario desinstalarlo e instalarlo con el disco original y activarlo. Tambien puede instalar el R19 con previo respaldo o es necesario desinstalarlo, instalarlo nuevamente o desde el disco original activarlo.
Hector checa q tu formato este bien manda imprimir tu factura seleccionando otro formato si te lo da es tu formato originl hay q volverlo hacer … no parece ser problema de imporesoras por q los demas sii te los hace.
Tengo instalado sae 5. Buen dia amigos, quisiera ver si alguien pudiera ayudarme con este error, lo que pasa es, sobre un error que me aparece al termino de realizar la traduccion de sae 4.
Este error es el que me sale al termino de la traduccion el cual me afecta desde mi factura A1 hasta la A, es decir me elimina todas esas facturas y obstante a ello me afecta en mis cuentas por cobrar, clientes entre otros modulos, obviamente porque no estan dichas facturas, quisiera saber que puedo hacer para que no me salga dicho error,.
Cabe mencionar que antes de realizar la traduccion se le dio mantenimiento a la BD del 4. Una vez ya hecho realizado la traduccion se procedio a entrar a SAE 5, mantenimiento a la BD y desbloqueo de documentos facturas, pedidos etc y siguen sin aparecer mis facturas, quisiera ver si ud seria tan amable de decirme que pasos seguir para poder hacer una traduccion exitosa o hacer que aparezcan mis facturas, de antemano muchas gracias y quedo a la espera de sus comentarios, saludos que tengan un buen dia.
Tengo una red de 03 computadoras. O debo instalarle al servidor a parte del SAE 5. Lo que pasa que por la carga de trabajo obligadamente necesito 2 computadoras para puntos de venta y el resto de actividades administrativas realizarlas en el tercer equipo.
A alguien le ha sucedido que al momento de grabar una factura en SAE 5. Me ha pasado y no me deja generar mi factura, sin embargo no se han agotado los folios ni tampoco existe tal factura. Hola que tal tengo instalado Aspel Sae en un servdior mi servcdor principal aparece como Z: Otra cosa que da muchos problemas raros es tener los equipos con IP dinamicos, les recomiendo muchisimo que en la medida de lo posible a todos le pongan IP fijo, o los routers se pueden configurar para que siempre le den la misma IP a un equipo relacionadolo con la MAC addres, aveces hay conflictos entre ellos y no te aparece ningun warning ni alerta, despues te das cuenta que fue un conflicto estupido de IP por que dos equipos estaban tomando la misma.
Entre mejor organizada y administrada este la Red menos problemas tendras con SAE. Cambie mi COI 5. Hola, tengo instalado SAE 5. Por otra parte hay 4 usuarios que se conectan a sae por medio de escritorios remotos y no se presenta el problema antes descrito, ya se realizaron pruebas de conectividad al servidor y los recursos de red no pierden conexion con el servidor en ningun momento.
Configuraste bien el directorio DAC de la base de datos en el servidor y los clientes. PAra esto la carpeta que asignaste como DAC tienes que compartirla como unidad de red, por ejemplo asignarle la letra Z, y todas las rutas las tienes que marcar por medio de Z y no por el disco duro local que por lo regular es el C: Si agregas el producto al inventario, y despues te vas a movimientos al inventario y ya le pones cuantos tienes con una entrada con el concepto que quieras.
Si responde esto a su duda? Quiero saber si me puedes ayudar al momento de importar mi Inventario al Sae pero tengo producto ingresado y quiero ver como puedo eliminar los modulos de facturacion y recepciones.
Que duda tienes Ana? Vas a cambiar las existencias de tu inventario manual? No quieres que se feflejen ventas y recepciones? Lo dificil es darla de alta correctamente. Buenas tardes soy nuevos mi problema es el siguiente tengo instalado en un server Windows r2 el programa SAE 5.
Cabe mencionar que ya he revisado mi equipo para descartar que sea virus y no he encontrado nada pues lo he hecho con dos antivirus diferentes. Me puedes ayudar por favor. Metete a las opciones del Firewall de tu antivirus y hay una seccion donde puedes agregar los programas que son seguros para enviar y recibir paquetes de red, ahi agregas los que tienen que ver con sae, y tambien en otra seccion agregas las IP seguras, haces una regla que pueda enviar y recibir libremente la ip de tu servidor, yo creo que con eso.
Si por ahi no va el error checa si el documento que quieres cancelar no esta bloqueado. Hola buenas tardes, tengo un problema al momento de querer volver a imprimir cualquier documento del SAE.
Espero alguien pueda ayudarme. Muchas gracias, ahora tengo otro problema.. Al momento de cancelar una factura me dice que el producto x no tiene existencias. Pero ya verifique en el sistema y tengo 52 existencias de ese producto y no me lo toma como recepcion me lo toma como compra y nunca hice una compra.
Es un gusto poder ayudar. Si me di a entender? Si ya entendi gracias, lo que no me esta permitiendo hacer es eliminar la recepcion que porque no tengo existencias cuando en el inventario tengo 52 de ese producto. A mi me pasa lo mismo y no se porque si le quito el firewall me deja entrar sin problemas pero activo el firewall y me aparece el error de las licencias.
Es por que el Firewall esta deteniendo la transferencia de datos del SAE, puedes meterte al firewall y agregar a SAEWIN y demas programas de SAE como seguros o que puedan enviar y recibir paquetes, tambien agregar la IP de tu servidor y la de tus clientes como seguras y que te de accceso libre para enviar y recibir paquetes.
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