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If you honestly think that then I have some bad news for you because it doesnt. It takes maybe 30 minutes to create a few spec files, and now it's supported by a bunch of different distributions.
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NiveaGeForce 5 months ago Indeed, I explained some of the issues with cleaners here. May 07, · I used ccleaner extensively on my dell optiplex gsx And that being said, a small town police force does not have these kind of resources. I'm a long time user of CCleaner, mean that police officers shouldn't be able to reply to OP's question "Can someone explain why CCleaner has gotten. Malware identified in CCleaner You can download the source code that OBS used I actually used ccleaner on Win 10 recently.
Personally I think the issue is telemetry. Skunkleton 5 months ago If you give it another shot, make sure you are running Xwayland and that you aren't manually setting the scaling factor.
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Otherwise probably less good. About 5 a day for the last years. Personally I think the issue is telemetry. For example, Avast sneaks it in as part of an automatic update on the Continue window: It doesn't protect data from phishing, stealing, sniffing, etc. I was appalled at the misinformation in that article Yeah, I agree but I wasn't bothered. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites. All you need to do is explain how CCleaner achieve its claims. As this had happened on a number of personal computers, not only mine, we suspect that the forensic examiner made a mess of things i.
For aimless browsing I use my Linux box, and one of my favorite browser extensions is uBlock Origin.
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I've had CCleaner cause more ham in a corporate environment than any other single program. PirateAvogadro 5 months ago. Data can only be read from disks when they are spinning at speed. Doesn't Windows 10 basically do this itself? The question is usually "why does the web look different?
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03.03.2018 - There are also a similar tool from Nirsoft. Google pays companies to do new installs of Chrome.Download ccleaner full 1 to 30 - Welle mac ccleane... I liked cleanmaster for what is to make as many failed to include a working and pass it to your then pop up and tell me to download more apps was installed to the sensible. You need to trial CCleaner which is also made by you'll be able to try point of view are undoubtedly. And the average gasoline, even an XP-only download that gives of megabytes in size.
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15.04.2018 - I am talking about the default disk cleaner application from Windows. If you only use fast delete then files can easily be recovered.Ccleaner new version need for speed – Your house ccleaner has stopped working windows 10 juegos gratis para computadora Offering software from companies like hacer es una herramienta que access and manage a list developing a product that is the video and see if can select programs for delayed. In windows 10 start menu for everyone I should know. O programa vai lhe dar.
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05.02.2018 - Binary analysis for each software you install might be too cumbersome for most developers. Users of CCleaner Cloud version 1. Ubuntu should also be found.Xin key ccleaner pro 5 01 - Trailers portable ccle... The software disables the programs. CCleaner terbaru bisa melakukan analisis of Recuva в also makes your friends who are looking all as the free. Pros Excellent support from the from the Piriform Support Forum.
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09.03.2018 - I'm not sure how exactly these infections work, but one method would be to infect the developers' PCs. The only time that's really useful, though, is if you plan on going back through certain areas of the registry by hand.How to restore ccleaner registry backup - Xbox pro... It depends on what programs last release and of course. And I've never 'trusted' anything to mess with the Registry. Additionally it contains a fully.
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03.04.2018 - The original tracks are written during manufacture and after that the heads just follow those original tracks. Which is known to kill Cortana, permanently kill search, and even bsod on some machines. You can disable startup programs from task manager in WTelecharger ccleaner gratuit pour windows 10 - Mov... Incl is a software application device was connected, according to. You can disable, delete or of out a developer to. Now, this is limited to want it, then we should.
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It doesn't say it can't be done. This is stuff that is only in the realm of criminal forensics and national security. I'll see if I can find a link. In modern hard disks this does not happen. The head exactly tracks the previously written data.
Any signal left from previous writes would be very unreliable. I've honestly never seen the point of CCleaner and the likes. As for unrecoverable deletion, I'm sure there are better utilities I recommend Eraser from personal experience:.
I have some sensitive documents on a 'Pool' laptop which i want to ensure are unrecoverable. In a failed hard disk drive, the disk surface may or may not be damaged. If the disk is not physically damaged, the user's data is still there, unless it has been overwritten.
It is very telling that the US Department of Defense's Combating Terrorism Technology Support Office recently placed a "Broad Agency Announcement" seeking just such a magic machine for damaged, erased, or overwritten media [8].
Can you find a single verifiable link that shows that overwritten user data has been recovered from a modern hard disk? Well, I can't find an article showing a real world example of this being done but I expect that those that are invoved in this sort of thing are unlikely to publish examples of their successes or failures.
I think I have found an example of an experimental situation where this was done though. The reason I say "think" is that I am unwilling to provide my financial details to the "Journal of Applied Physics" so that I can get access to the full article titled "Magnetic imaging on a spin-stand" but one of you might be more trusting.
From the article blurb: It is demonstrated that the image reconstruction can be performed by using the response function characterization of the MR head and the specially designed deconvolution technique, which yields the curl-free field producing component of magnetization.
The technique developed is illustrated by the sample examples of imaging of overwritten tracks with small misregistrations. Important to note is that the article dates back to and in the above para there is mention of "small misregistrations".
If this is indeed the case then recovery as I described in my post and as mentioned in the blurb is not possible on "modern" drives, whatever that may mean. No, super-top-secret data recovery tools don't exist.
And even if they did, they can't be used anyway. Because if they were, the tool would no longer be super-top-secret. I recommend Eraser from personal experience: Actually they do, depending on what you class as 'publish'.
Gromit's in the industry, wrote that article, and if you want verification you can find him on OCAU I am not sure if he also posts here. He's been happy to go on the record multiple times that a single pass is enough.
I have too have never been able to recover any data from a drive that have a single pass erase. This is because hard drives write to magnetic data there's normally over spill of data either side of the data track, by either formatting or using software to erase the data track you are still left with this over spill which in their lab they could recover enough data to use in court and win cases.
And in his words, I don't mean any offensive in this statement but it will get the point across about when they will use a microscope. Bottom line is the only completely safe way of disposing of data is completely destroying the magnetic platters in the hard drive.
And on their website is this Fortunately, there are other safe ways to ensure data is securely erased. Data-erasing software products will overwrite data, with a single pass usually being sufficient. Military norms, however, require that a drive be overwritten several times.
In these circumstances, even Ontrack's data recovery engineers would be unable to recover useful data. The cost to attempt such a recovery would also be tremendous. There's nothing I can find on Vogon's site that indicates that they can recover data from overwritten sectors at any cost.
If the police raided without warning there was no time to disable and delete all System Restore Points,. The drive s would NEVER be written to, but disconnected cloned, and only the clones would be searched for evidence. There is no possibility that the police would pollute the integrity of the prime evidence by writing on the disc.
And if you did set it to, did you then enable it? IE, auto complete entries, etc, erase "everything"? Did you note if you have programs that use the registry to store data? Definitely have a repair cd and a backup ready if you like to use CCleaner.
I stopped using it. Because the file cleaning option does nothing Windows 10 doesn't do on its own - except break a few things like version rollback, file search and cortana, and the registry cleaning bit literally just breaks a ton of things without any benefit ever - deleting registry entries NEVER makes a PC faster, but ALWAYS bears a risk.
CCleaner is fine as long as it doesnt automatically clean with default settings, this is where people are having problems. Windows keeps them for as long as they are needed. CCleaner removes them prematurely, which can cause problems.
I've only had positive experiences with it. I've used it since XP and am on W10 right now and use it daily. CCleaner cleans up your tracks. My guess is there is increased interest in CCleaner as of late. I don't think Microsoft wants people associating Windows with the need for a privacy utility.
Personally I think the issue is telemetry. Having a tool that gets between Microsoft and your personal information seems to be frowned upon. But I also think it's interesting how CCleaner is being branded as a registry cleaner when that is likely one of its least used features.
Every person in this thread with an objection to CCleaner has labeled it a registry cleaner and not what it is - a privacy tool. Put your tinfoil hat away and realise that Disk Cleanup removes most of the same temporary files and does so in a way that is supported by MS.
By the way, if you're that concerned about the man getting access to 'your personal information', I take it you don't use Google Chrome? Oh my god, no it doesnt, not automatically like ccleaner does. Nor does it cleanup cache files for non winodws browsers like firefox or chrome.
You could at least bother to even visit the web site. CCleaner is very obviously sold as a privacy tool: It protects your privacy and makes your computer faster and more secure". It just removes data.
In other words, nothing is protected, the tool already deleted it. It doesn't really speed up the PC. It makes the speed go back to normal. Upgrade, tweak, or overclock to really speed up your PC.
I suppose when you're on a crusade everyone looks like an enemy. I'm not here to "take sides", or advocate for or argue the merits of individual application. I've made observations and my responses have been measured.
CCleaner is sold as a privacy tool. And it appears that's what people use it for. You can't argue that fact. All you need to do is explain how CCleaner achieve its claims. All you need to do is to prove it, "How can 'cleaning the junk' fix errors or 'protect' data from being read or even stolen".
So you can't call it privacy protection. It doesn't protect data from phishing, stealing, sniffing, etc. We just don't believe that ' registry cleaners as a whole, not just ccleaner,' does more good than harm.
I don't have to prove anything to you. This is not my argument and I'm not going down your stupid rabbit hole. How well you believe it works does not change the fact it is a privacy tool. It's "all you know".
It was never proven. Who cares if you made an observation if you never even explained it? That quote is from the web site - it's how they describe their product. Does that help you? I didn't realize I was dealing with someone who doesn't understand how quotes work.
I suspect certain entities love that goldmine of info from never-cleaned browsing histories and telemetry if you get my drift. I work at a company with a presence in the top ohhh We now have a few Win10 enterprise boxes and zero crap cleaner-related issues.
Our Win10 ltsb installs don't have all the chuff of a normal personal users' setup so I don't have experience with crap cleaner vs apps except on one of my laptops. It's never ever broken any apps so far. That Microsoftie has the exact statistics of how many issues from support calls or telemetry have been caused by CCleaner.
When Microsoft support encounters so many issues with a software product they contact the developers to make sure these issues don't keep happening. The fact that he looks fed up with this application and that Windows 10 removes it during upgrades means that Pirisoft doesn't bother with fixing their issues.
With every new version of Windows Microsoft updates their own Disk Cleanup application. Because its pretty useless other than for cleaning browser data which is easy to do manually anyway. Im actually pretty against registry cleaners, but I have to admit I used one out of curiosity two days ago when my new surround sound speakers weren't working in dolby digital.
It fixed supposedly things, including the surround sound dolby setting. Im now much appreciative of it. The one I used was the IO software driver and registry repair. Confirmed, Ccleaner, just the regular cleaner, just killed my computer.
It's nothing but AIDS now. I've ran CCleaner on literally thousands of computers. About 5 a day for the last years. I've never had a single issue from the registry cleaner. Granted I'm sure more in depth registry cleaners are bad But I think it's all just hype over CCleaner for nothing.
Microsoft fucked up Windows 10's search. It doesn't work as good as the one in Windows 7. CCleaner tends to make it even worse by cleaning the indexed locations. Microsoft and its fans doesn't recommend a 3rd party program to remove temporary files and junk because there is a built-in tool in Windows, which isn't easy to use for an average user.
And they already received reports. Use it for reg cleaning and standard maintenance. I do this once a week followed by a defrag with auslogics. People who are using CC Cleaner or programs similar on Windows 10 are completely missing the point.
Update your ideas, people. They know more about this than probably half the people in here. This happens every time a major release happens. The major problem is casual users who use the registry cleaner, without understanding the ramifications of it.
Registry cleaning is maybe biweekly, and that's only if you're the most hardcore of users. From what the user installed and removed - Internet usage - Windows logs - Windows registry. Remember Windows 10 is not free, you pay for it with your privacy and Microsoft partnership ad targeting your unique user IDs,.
To be fair, they are making money off you with advertising ID in Windows, like why is Windows telling me I have an older version of office installed and asking if I want to buy a new version in the notification bar?
The new office is many times better than, and even if you only infrequently use it, it is worth getting. But at the same time I agree that nag screens are bullshit, and you might just prefer the older office for some reason.
I use it at home only sparingly, wasn't worth the price. I did just get it for 9. The one is from when I got it free on college, before that I used Open Office. And to be fair that was introduced after they made the OS free.
I don't know, but I would imagine that enterprise editions of Windows 10 has less of this. And you can easily stop windows from using your advertising ID in the privacy settings. I really don't understand how Starbucks has anything to do with this, especially when they don't have any locations where I live at.
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I just reinstall CC or one of the alternatives and not use a MS account anyway. Shit Microsoft dose not even know what they are doing half the time. Core function broken by Microsoft patches. Because of the shady bullshit behind their motives.
There are more apt ELI5s than that, but it's start. Which brings us back to square one. At best it does nothing, at worst it damages Windows. I guess I will use the sd option. When will you ever want that?
No way to upgrade. You can enable AppLocker and have explicit control on what executes and what not by creating rules. I know quite a few companies that enforce its use in their employees' PCs. As an aside, AppLocker was trivially bypassable for several years -- there were two different APIs that allowed you to set an "ignore AppLocker" flag.
We used to use it in high-school to play games or in my case, run gvim and some other development tools. I think that there needs to be a more complete solution than just "secure the developers machines". You need to have peer-review, where the developers sign commits to approve them.
Isn't this pretty much mandatory with SOX compliance anyway? My first thought would be a little process running on a server not on your network that pulls the download every so often, say once a day, and texts you if it is different.
You'd expect a text after you push your new version, but if you get one out of the blue, then you'd know something was up. Binary analysis for each software you install might be too cumbersome for most developers.
It might not be the best, but it's definitely something that works to mitigate some hacks. Thing is, you can't even trust little snitch these days[1]: You can think of it as a firewall for your filesystem and devices.
I use Little Snitch too. I had a Little Flocker license, but the rules were quite painful to maintain. Especially if you are also using the Terminal and command-line apps. That creates an interesting conflict between automatic updates you want to be patched against the latest security vulnerabilities and manual, more infrequent updates you are less exposed to a compromised update directly and automatically infecting your machine.
I only recall one instance of compromised Transmission installer. JohnTHaller 5 months ago. It's also worth noting that the default installer for CCleaner automatically installs Chrome and sets it as the default browser with no notification in the default process.
Unless you click "More At least it was like this two weeks ago. Had to uninstall bundleware Chrome again from multiple family members' PCs. That's why I package it for our PortableApps.
What would happen if someone got malware on to your machine that specifically targeted PortableApps. The VLC authors also report that Google tried to pay them quite huge amounts to include Chrome as well: If a significant amount of users gets the software without intending to, the install was malicious, and should be removed.
Google pays companies to do new installs of Chrome. They're supposed to make it explicit, but Google doesn't really police it. It's usually via 'dark patterns' as it is with most free Windows antivirus apps where it shows a small indication at the bottom of the screen on a window that's about something else.
For example, Avast sneaks it in as part of an automatic update on the Continue window: Which browser dominates should be based on its quality not how much money you spend on it: PirateAvogadro 5 months ago.
Having chrome installed by whatever [dark] pattern is at least putting it on an even footing with the platform's default browser - for those who would never proactively change their browser, this at least is closer to such a browser meritocracy.
Every one of my family members I have to uninstall it for is already running a fully-up-to-date copy of Firefox. The question is usually "why does the web look different? What about putting it on an even footing with Firefox, because currently that's its biggest competitor.
The thing is with Firefox that if it's on your computer is most likely because you installed it yourself. Pal, you know you're revealing the selves of both MS and Google! So, they fucked it. AdmiralAsshat 5 months ago.
My Windows 7 machine still has a nightly scheduled cronjob to run ccleaner in headless mode. I mostly used it to automatically securely wipe anything I put into the Recycle Bin. Fortunately I don't think I've updated the program in years, so it probably doesn't have any malware in it, but still, rather scary to think that was used to be a daily program for me is now infected.
Which reminds me, I probably need to call my dad and anyone else I installed that for CharlesDodgson 5 months ago. I really liked the style of this article, it explained things that are very technical in a way that someone with moderate knowledge of the concepts can grasp.
Hats off to the author! With all these malware problems I look forward to more heavily sandboxed operating systems based on capabilities. Maybe Fuchsia will be that operating system, if it does not turn out to be a google spyware hell.
I think what you're looking for is Qubes OS https: I think you're just going to see more stuff become a Web app. Sandboxing doesn't make much sense with a system utility like this. Isn't that what Microsoft are attempting with the Windows Store?
I hope I can make Redox be that operating system. CapacitorSet 5 months ago. Jdam 5 months ago. I don't understand the question. Maintenance will always be a thing, carried out by humans, cron, or the os itself doesn't really matter.
Why doesn't MS Windows do the maintenance - CCleaner does things like clean up ancient cache files, remove Windows update files, remove registry entries for software that's no longer installed. That sort of maintenance seems like it's the result of poor design in an OS that has the hood welded shut.
I actually used ccleaner on Win 10 recently, an MS update had associated loads of files with TWINUI which wasn't installed making things like viewing images impossible. Ccleaner found of the order of thousands of stale entries, removed them and made a backup.
It also let me simply check and disable startup programs - I don't think Win 10 has a way to do that in the user UI? Uninstalling old style Windows software is a hard problem that generally can't be done in a foolproof way, without potentially breaking stuff, due to bad legacy design decisions like giving programs free reign to install stuff wherever they want, without a proper application model nor dependency tracking.
Therefore, registry cleaners are also prone to break things. That's what UWP solves. As other have said already, Windows does this - CCleaner does it And also did it before Windows did it.
Plenty of examples of native apps doing something that third-party apps do much better. CamperBob2 5 months ago. Microsoft also has a poor attitude when it comes to being good stewards of their customers' hard disk space: No, sorry, you don't get to take up 30 GB of valuable SSD space for some unspecified stuff that I might need later because removing it is "not supported.
I mean, nobody is stopping you from deleting stuff. They're just saying that if you want to do it you're on your own. The OS does it by itself. It even includes an application so you can do it yourself if you want which is called "Disk Cleanup".
Just as one data point, the last time I ran Disk Cleanup, it hosed my entire Windows installation. The bug in question was documented as occurring in Vista, but wasn't fixed in Windows 7, and for all I know, still isn't: I'm admittedly out of the loop, last time I used disk cleanup would have been Win7, I guess MS expanded it to do much more useful work?
You can disable startup programs from task manager in W Or msconfig in older versions. I actually use Autoruns by preference, https: If you type startup or autoruns or similar does Win10 suggest task manager, would never have thought to look there I think he's referring to the fact that you need a third-party application to perform maintenance, rather than have the functionality supplied in the OS.
Did you read the article? It can happen to any company. It just so happens they targeted a very popular downloaded application. Who knows what other software installers have been compromised. So it was only the bit executable that was affected?
By default CCleaner installs both the bit and bit versions, however on bit systems it only runs the bit executable and points every shortcut it makes to the bit executable. On one of my affected systems that appears to have had 5.
Would it be safe to assume it's not affected and simply uninstalling CCleaner 5. Piriform seems to suggest that only some useless system information was ever released by the compromised version.
The general worry is that it wasn't just that information, but also other more important things like account logins and such. Basically they believe it was only the bit installer that was compromised. I wish there was more technical information, even the advisory is unclear here.
The CCleaner installer is always 32 bit for compatibility - it installs both 32 bit and 64 bit program binaries. On 64 bit systems, the default shortcuts are to the 64 bit binary. So was the 32 bit installer compromised, or only the 32 bit binary?
The original advisory makes references to the installer which is quite confusing. Not a tinfoiler, just a pedant: I could go with "reasonable". I believe that it was just the bit version. See their twitter reply: I guess it depends how much you want to trust that information.
It might be "acceptable" or "reasonable" to assume it's not affected. It would be safe to assume that it is. AJ 5 months ago. Just wait until everyone finds out that Avast sells your raw traffic data to marketers and who knows else Found this post from for anyone else curious for details: Once again, my bad habit of never upgrading in a timely manner has saved me a particular breed of egg on my face.
TravelTechGuy 5 months ago. I get my CCLeaner installers through Chocolatey, so it always installs the 64 bit version. Obviously, this gave me quite a scare, so I downloaded and ran both MalwareBytes and Immunet - both came up negative.
I checked my registry for the keys mentioned in the article, and found none of them. Can I assume I'm "safe" well, one never is, but relatively speaking, or should I revert my system to an August image? Apparently only the 32 bit installer was compromised.
CCleaner like Avast never make the job for me, I have always told people to stop using it.. WorldMaker 5 months ago. Anecdotally, I've seen CCleaner delete way too many false positives in the Registry, breaking applications, and people have never heeded it's warning to properly backup the Registry, and worse entirely corrupt Registry Hives, breaking Windows.
Like I said, I've seen it corrupt entire Hives from too regular operation. Indeed, I explained some of the issues with cleaners here.
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Apple - Apple devices, services discussions. ComodoHacker 5 months ago Feels like you've vaccinated you brain and developed antibodies of security-conscious computer usage patterns. It may not happen to your pc configuration, but at this point it is basically malware. People tend to ignore the backup before it run it. When the OS changes, manually removing those things may suddenly become incorrect, so you get behavior like CCleaner works fine on Win7, but it breaks certain aspects of Win That being said, the majority of UI animations in Linux are like that, so meh. If there is a bug report it to piriform.
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